Welcome to De Anza!
Agenda Introduce the topic of Sexuality Summary Assignment Homework
Sexuality We will be discussing sexuality scientifically (in a non-judgemental and objective way) and in terms of its effects on literature and in particular on The Book of Salt. Before we begin, discuss in a small group how and in what context you have discussed sexuality. Be prepared to share with the whole class.
Sexuality Before we begin, discuss in a small group how and in what context you have discussed sexuality. –Not really discussed in public; not a conversation starter, unless it is personal –Psychology classes; in Catholic school –Social science classes; professors are trying to get people to be accepting of everyone, not everyone is the same –Sex education in middle school –Artistic perspective in school; many people avoid discussion –Not really discussed; more media (lots of movies and shows based on sex)
Summary Assignment The assignment description is posted on the course web site. We will work on summaries during class on Tuesday. I will give your first summary assignment back to you on Tuesday.
Sexuality Here are things to pay attention to: –What kinds of relationships are allowed? –What kinds of relationships are not allowed? –What are the penalties for breaking the rules? –Who enforces the rules? –Where did the rules come from? –How are the rules related to colonialism and socioeconomic class? Let’s test this framework out on specific characters from The Book of Salt
Colonialism What is colonialism? Atlas of Colonialism French Indochina A quick exercise: Within your group, come up with ways to discuss the topic of colonialism. –Religion –Manifest Destiny; the right to take over; colonizers feeling superior to spread their ideas –Puerto Rico was a Spanish colony –Architecture, language, daily lifestyles –Profit and exploitation; European colonizers profiting, colonized peoples exploited; mixture of ethnicities
Colonialism What is colonialism? –Colonialism created very unequal social relationships. –Colonialism limited possibilities for peoples who were colonized. Colonies were established by colonizers to create places that would serve the interests of colonizers, not the colonized peoples. According to colonial ideologies, how should natives treat colonizers? According to colonial ideologies, how should colonizers treat natives?
Homework Finish reading The Book of Salt. If you missed Tuesday, see me after class. If possible, complete the first three steps for Summary 2 so I can help you to formulate a thesis statement on Tuesday.