DDM Part II Analyzing the Results Dr. Deborah Brady
Agenda Overview of how to measure growth in 4 “common sense” ways Quick look at “standardization” Not all analyses are statistical or new We’ll use familiar ways of looking at student work Excel might help when you have a whole grade’s scores, but it is not essential Time for your questions; exit slips My
2 Considerations Local DDMs,” 1. Comparable across schools Example: Teachers with the same job (e.g., all 5 th grade teachers) Where possible, measures are identical Easier to compare identical measures Do identical measures provide meaningful information about all students? Exceptions: When might assessments not be identical? Different content (different sections of Algebra I) Differences in untested skills (reading and writing on math test for ELL students) Other accommodations (fewer questions to students who need more time ) NOTE: Roster Verification and Group Size will be considerations by DESE 3
2. Comparable across the District Aligned to your curriculum (comparable content) K-12 in all disciplines Appropriate for your students Aligned to your district’s content Informative, useful to teachers and administrators “Substantial” Assessments (comparable rigor): “Substantial” units with at least 2 standards and/or concepts assessed. (DESE began talking about finals/midterms as preferable recently) See Core Curriculum Objectives (CCOs) on DESE website if you are concerned / Quarterly, benchmarks, mid-terms, and common end of year exams NOTE: All of this data stays in your district. Only HML goes to DESE with a MEPID for each educator.
Examples of 4 +1 Methods for Calculating Growth Each is in handout Pre-post test Repeated measures Holistic Rubric (Analytical Rubric) Post test only A look at “standardization” with percentiles
Typical Gradebook and Distribution Page 1 of handout Alphabetical order (random) Sorted low to high Determine “cut scores” (validate in the student work) Use “Stoplight Method” to help see cut scores Graph of distribution of all scores Graph of distribution of High, Moderate, Low scores
High Count 6 Mod Count 12 Low Count 5 “Cut” Scores and “common sense”: validate them with performances. What work is not moving at an average rate? What work shows accelerated growth? Some benchmarks have determined rates of growth over time
Pre/Post Test Description: The same or similar assessments administered at the beginning and at the end of the course or year Example: Grade 10 ELA writing assessment aligned to College and Career Readiness Standards at beginning and end of year Measuring Growth: Difference between pre- and post-test. Check if all students have an equal chance of demonstrating growth 8
Pre- Post Tests Pre-test Lowest to highest Post testDifference (Growth) Analysis Range of growth ? Cut score? Look at work. Look at distribution.
Holistic Description: Assess growth across student work collected throughout the year. Example: Tennessee Arts Growth Measure System Measuring Growth: Growth Rubric (see example) Considerations: Option for multifaceted performance assessments Rating can be challenging & time consuming 10
11 Holistic Example (unusual rubric) Details No improvement in the level of detail. One is true * No new details across versions * New details are added, but not included in future versions. * A few new details are added that are not relevant, accurate or meaningful Modest improvement in the level of detail One is true * There are a few details included across all versions * There are many added details are included, but they are not included consistently, or none are improved or elaborated upon. * There are many added details, but several are not relevant, accurate or meaningful Considerable Improvement in the level of detail All are true * There are many examples of added details across all versions, * At least one example of a detail that is improved or elaborated in future versions *Details are consistently included in future versions *The added details reflect relevant and meaningful additions Outstanding Improvement in the level of detail All are true * On average there are multiple details added across every version * There are multiple examples of details that build and elaborate on previous versions * The added details reflect the most relevant and meaningful additions Example taken from Austin, a first grader from Anser Charter School in Boise, Idaho. Used with permission from Expeditionary Learning. Learn more about this and other examples at
HOLISTIC Easier for Large-Scale Assessments like MCAS Rubric Topic or Conventions and useful when categories overlap Criteria In one cell AdvancedProficientNIAt Risk Writing 1)Claims/evidence 2)Counterclaims 3)Organization 4)Language/style 1)Insightful, accurate, carefully developed claims and evidence. 2) Counterclaims are thoughtfully, accurately, completely discussed and argued. 3) Whole essay and each paragraph are carefully organized and show interrelationships among ideas. 4) Sentence structure, vocabulary, and mechanics show control over language use Adequate Effective “Gets it” Misconcep tions; some errors Serious errors
MCAS Has 2 Holistic Rubrics Topic/D evelop ment Rich topic/idea development Careful, subtle organization Effective rich use of language Full topic/idea development Logical organization Strong details Appropriate use of language Moderate topic/idea development and organization Adequate, relevant details Some variety in language Rudimentary topic/idea development and/or organization Basic supporting details Simplistic language Limited or weak topic/idea development, organization, and/or details Limited awareness of audience and/or task Little topic/idea development, organization, and/or details Little or no awareness of audience and/or task Conven tions Control of sentence structure, grammar, usage, and mechanics, (length and complexity of essay) provide opportunity for student to show control of standard English conventions) Errors do not interfere with communication and/or Few errors relative to length of essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics Errors interfere somewhat with communication and/or Too many errors relative to the length of the essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics Errors seriously interfere with communication AND Little control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics
Pre and Post Rubric (2 Criteria) Growth Add the scores Pretests Topic Conventions Post tests Topic Conventio ns GrowthAnalysis Add together criteria gains as raw score In order 1/1 0/000 1 / 22/21/011 1/22/31/121 2/33/31/012 Rubrics do not represent percentages. A student who received a 1 would probably receive a 50. F? 1= 50FSeriously at risk 2= range 60-72, 75? D to C-At risk 3= 76-88, 89? C+ to B+ Average 4= A to A+Above most
Holistic Rubric or Holistic Descriptor Keeping 1-4 scale PrePostDifferenceRank orderCut
Converting Rubrics to Percentages Not recommended for classroom use because it distorts the meaning of the descriptors. May facilitate this large-scale use. District Decision Pre Conver ted Post Convert ed Difference Ranked Common Sense analysis Was the assessment too difficult? Zeros in pretest (3) Zero growth (4 plus minus growth) Only 1 student improved Change assessment scale? Look at all of the grade-level assessments.
Repeated Measures Description: Multiple assessments given throughout the year. Example: running records, attendance, mile run Measuring Growth: Graphically Ranging from the sophisticated to simple Less pressure on each administration. Authentic Tasks (reading aloud, running) 17
Repeated Measures Description: Multiple assessments given throughout the year. Example: running records, attendance, mile run Measuring Growth: Graphically Ranging from the sophisticated to simple Considerations: Less pressure on each administration. Authentic Tasks 18
Repeated Measures Example Running Record Errors in Reading Average of high, moderate, and low error groups 19
Post test only AP exam: Use as baseline to show growth for each level or… for classroom This assessment does not have a “normal curve” An alternative for post test only for a classroom and to show student growth is to give a mock AP pre and post.
Looking for Variability The second graph is problematic because it doesn’t give us information about the difference between average and high growth because so many students fall into the “high” growth category. NOTE: Look at the work and make “common sense” decisions. Consider the whole grade level; one class’s variation may be caused by teacher’s effectiveness Critical Question: Do all students have equal possibility for success? 21
“Standardizing” Local Norms Percentages versus Percentiles % within class/course %iles across all courses in district 22 Many Assessments with different standards Student A English: 15/20 Math: 22/25 Art: 116/150 Social Studies:6/10 Science:70/150 Music:35/35 “Standardized” Normal Curve Student A English: 62 %ile Math: 72 %ile Art: 59 %ile Social Studies:71 %ile Science: 70 %ile Music:61 %ile Percentage of 100% Student A English 75% Math 88% Art 77% Social Studies60% Science46% Music100
Standardization In Everyday Terms Standardization is a process of putting different measures on the same scale For example Most cars cost $25,000 give or take $5,000 Most apples costs $1.50 give or take $.50 Getting a $5000 discount on a car is about equal to what discount on an apple? Technical terms “Most are” = mean “Give or take” = standard deviation 23
Percentile/Standard Deviation
Excel Functions Sort high to low or low to high, Graphing Function, Statistical Functions including Percentiles and Standard Deviation Student grades can be sorted from highest to lowest score with one command Table of student scores can be easily graphed with one command Excel will easily calculate %, but this is probably not necessary
“Common Sense” The purpose of DDMs is to assess Teacher Impact The student scores, the Low, Moderate, and High growth rankings are totally internal DESE (in two years) will see MEPIDS and L, M or H next to a MEPID The important part of this process needs to be the focus: Your discussions about student learning with colleagues Your discussions about student learning with your evaluator An ongoing process