¡Bienvenidos! ¡Hola! Me llamo Sra. Santana y soy la profesora de español II, III & IV. Yo soy de Puerto Rico. Yo tengo 35 años. Me gusta viajar y bailar. No me gustan las telenovelas. ¡Cuidense!
Class Materials TO KEEP WITH YOU: a 1” 3 ring binder (only for Spanish) with dividers Dictionary One red or pink pen TO LEAVE IN CLASS: Box of Kleenex Packet of college rule paper Packet of pencils and pens Hand sanitizer (3 stamps each) Computer paper (3 stamps each)
CLASS RULES Be respectful. Follow all school rules. Have a positive attitude. Speak Spanish.
Entering Procedures Upon entering the classroom LOOK on the board for the bell ringer or get ready for the first activity. Have all class materials out. Place bookbags under your desk. Start working immediately.
Discipline procedures Discipline procedures Your name on the board = warning Name on the board and a = 15 minutes detention Friday after school Name on the board and two = 30 minutes detention on Friday after school Name on the board and three = call parents and write a referral.
ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Clear your desks. Have a pencil or pen (black or blue only) ready. I will provide the rest. Label answer sheet correctly. Clear the isles. During the assessment: No talking, standing, reaching into your bags. Raise your hand if you have a question. If you talk once -10 points, second time a zero. Do not write on the actual assessment. I will collect the assessment when everyone is done.
How to label your papers Last name, First (Spanish name) class # Date in Spanish period Activity/Exam/Quiz Page number Part I Hola Encantado Hasta luego
Big, No’s in class! No eating. No drinking, except for water bottles. No grooming yourself. No cell phone usage. No yelling, back talking or cussing. No strolling or bad attitudes. No sleeping or being lazy. No “I can’t” allowed. No reason to fail, you are here to learn and I’m here to help you!
HOMEWORK & Future Assessments Posted daily on the board. Check the board on a daily basis. Copy down in your notebooks. Homework done at HOME not in class. not in class.
Absentees Check the classroom notebook. Ask a fellow student. Come after school for further explanation, tutoring or make-up work. Don’t ask to make-up work if your absence was un-excused.
Exiting procedure Exiting procedure SILENCIO during announcements. Look on the board for homework. Look around for trash and personal items. Collect any trash found near you even if is not yours. Leave the desk and the classroom clean. Say “Hasta luego” to me.