Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The FCC is a United States government agency and was established by the Communications Act of The FCC is reputable for the regulating of interstate and international communications. Radio Television Wire Satellite Cable
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Enforcement International Media Wireless Telecommunications Public Safety & Homeland Security Wireline Competition
Administrative Law Judges Communications Business Opportunities Engineering and Technology General Counsel Inspector General Legislative Affairs The Managing Director Media Relations Strategic Planning & Policy Analysis Work Place Diversity
On June 18, 3-2 vote to implement new laws and rules for broadband companies Wants a regulate service and implement network neutrality rules No authority is allowed and should not be regulated under FCC, agency says. Intentions for establishing new regulations under the Title II of the Telecommunications Act is expressed.
Created in 1996 Encourages competition among companies that use similar underlying network technologies to provide a single service This section gives out grants and licenses to all broadcast services by the government
13 large Internet corporations' want this change, which include: Google EBay Amazon.com The proposal will ensure an open Internet with net neutrality rules The agency is challenging the decision and appealing in court
FCC- Federal Communication Commission NECA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration NAB- National Association of Broadcasters TIA- Telecommunications Industry Association
COMPARISON FCC: Has jurisdiction in all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, American Virgin Islands. Consists of several sub-bureaus- The Commission staff is organized by function. There are seven operating Bureaus and ten Staff Offices.
All broadcasting regulations are supervised by FCC. FCC can license operators of all levels of telecommunication services.
Without the FCC Life could have been lot tougher Communication would not be as effortlesss
Federal Communications Commission (FCC). (2010). About the FCC. Retrieved July 3, 2010, from Gross, Grant “FCC Takes First Step Toward Regulating Broadband.“Copyright IDG News, June 18,2010. Retrieved online from: /businesscenter/article/199138/fcc_takes_first_step_toward_re gulating_broadband.html N.A., (2010). FCC Regulations. Retrieved July 3, 2010, from encyclopedia/fcc-regulations