About Your Teacher Name: Coach Cole Age: 28 Number of Years Teaching: 3 Years at Goddard: 3 From: Lubbock, TX Born in Illinois
Undergraduate College: Graduated 2010 from Angelo State University Bachelor of Arts - English Attending Graduate School at Texas Tech University
Coach Cole… Doesn’t have any kids...Doesn’t have any pets … LOVES the Dallas Cowboys and Red Raiders LOVES basketball, but doesn’t have a favorite team. If one had to be chosen it would be Miami Heat.
Coach Cole… Enjoys watching reality tv shows – The Glass House, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and Awkward to name a few.
Coach Cole… Recently had knee surgery. She injured her knee playing basketball with Coach Jordan, Coach Rodriguez, and Coach Sandifer… It was Coach Rodriguez’s fault.
About Coach Cole’s Class 1)It’s only as difficult or as easy as YOU make it. Ways to Make it Difficult: Don’t Do Your Work Ways to Make it EASY: Do ALL of your work, participate in discussions and activities. 2) All work is done IN-CLASS. Homework is assigned as needed 2 – 3 times per six weeks. 3) Students are expected to come with their materials – DAILY. Materials include – pen/pencil and binder. 4) Journals and textbooks stay in the classroom. Textbooks can be checked out to use for homework or studying, but MUST be returned the next day.
About Coach Cole’s Class 5) Every WEDNESDAY is parent contact/missing assignment day. Students will be informed of missing or failing assignments and contact (call) their parents to let them know they have to attend tutorials. 6) Tutorials are EVERY Thursday from 4:05pm – 4:55pm in room 120, unless otherwise stated because of scheduling conflicts. 7) Expected Passing Grade of 75 or above on all assignments and assessments (tests) or will be assigned tutorials.
Supplies for Coach Cole’s Class Every student must bring the following items: ONE 2-3 subject SPIRAL notebook ONE 2-3 subject SPIRAL notebook ONE package of WIDE RULED notebook paper ONE package of WIDE RULED notebook paper TWO boxes of Kleenex TWO boxes of Kleenex TWO packages of Post-Its TWO packages of Post-Its ONE pack of pens (blue, black, or red) or pencils ONE pack of pens (blue, black, or red) or pencils Each class period will have to bring one of the following items in addition to the other supplies: 1 st Period – 1 pack of 24ct Crayons 2 nd Period – 1 pack of multi-colored Construction paper 3 rd Period – 1 pack of 3x5 Lined Index Cards (100ct) 4 th Period – ONE 4ct pack of Highlighters 6 th Period – ONE 6ct pack of Glue Sticks
Coach Cole’s Classroom Expectations (Rules) Students MUST be in their seat working on their bellringer (instructions projected from the overhead) when the tardy bell rings. Students will use their journals DAILY. Students will RESPECT every person and their property at all times. Students will obey Goddard JH and Midland ISD rules at all times. Students will have their cell phones/electronic devices either OFF or on SILENT and FACE DOWN on the corner of their desk.
Coach Cole’s Classroom Expectations (Rules) Students WILL NOT throw anything EVER in Coach Cole’s class – walk to the trash can and throw your paper away. Students WILL clean up any mess they make – there is a broom available to sweep the floor. Students WILL NOT write in textbooks, dictionaries, or on the desks or walls. Students must RAISE THEIR HAND before speaking and when asking to get up for any reason. Students WILL use the proper assignment header for ALL assignments.
Consequences for Breaking Expectations (Rules) 1 st Time – Call Parents and Lunch Detention with Coach Cole. 2 nd Time – Call Parents, 2 days of Lunch Detention with Coach Cole, and After School Detention with Coach Cole. 3 rd Time – Call Parents and referred to Mr. Klattenhoff.