Communication: MESSAGE SIGNAL MESSAGE Transmitter Transmission of signal Receiver When a person sends a message to another person in order to get a response or to send information.
Effective Communication: Verbal Communication: When the receiver understands the message the transmitter sends. The use of words and language to communicate. Ex. Singing, speaking, (writing),( ),(text message). Braille? Sign Language?
Non-Verbal Communication: What % of communication is Non-Verbal? Peanut butter The use of signs and symbols to communicate. Ex. Signs, appearance, facial expressions, body language %
One-way Communication One-way Communication: Sending a message but not getting a response. Feedback: A response. (can be verbal or nonverbal) diagrams
Misunderstanding: When the receiver interprets the message differently than the sender intended.
Ways to avoid misunderstandings: 1.Ask Questions 2. Be Specific 3. Paraphrase – restate in your own words
Directions: GNH Lumber, Sophias Expressions: Afraid, Surprise, Bored Voice Inflection: The tone of voice used to get a message across. “The way (how) you say something may be more important than what you say.”