T. Kawamoto1 Small Wheel upgrade project Muon week, upgrade meeting T. Kawamoto
T. Kawamoto2 Tentative and incomplete lists of requirements on the new small wheel and introduction to next steps Based on what we have studied and learned Reference cavern background rate Requirements for L1 functions and electronics Requirements for precision tracking Requirements as a detector system Way to proceed Schedule Milestones
T. Kawamoto3 Cavern background and detector signal rate Estimated cavern bkg The RBTF numbers used with safety factor 5 reflecting its uncertainty In the lights of new simulation and measurements with collision data, can we update the estimation and its uncertainty/safety factor ? new reference table ?
T. Kawamoto4 RBTF and prelim. FLUGG (C. Young) more detailed comparisons in his Oxford slides
T. Kawamoto5 C. Young, at Oxford R = MDT data / FLUGG simulation General good agreement, R=0.7 – 1.5, except for small corner with R= In small wheel, R = 1.5 – 2.0 (data is high)
T. Kawamoto6 1.0x x x10 34 Expected MDT tube rate (kHz/tube) from simulation (my simple calc ) with a (radically small ?) safety factor = 3 based on FLUGG simulation Tube rate (kHz) EI EM EO Barrel R
T. Kawamoto7 Requirements on L1 function and electronics From the studies of Domae, Nagano (resolution) and Suzuki (fake removal), we now know that we ask NSW to Find segments with high efficiency and low fake resolution of 1 mrad
Tubes Strips (MM, TGC, RPC) Wires (TGC) 15 mm tube: drift time 200ns perhaps OK for the L1 latency ~ 30 cm max, maybe ~ 40 cm? need resolution < 0.6 mm/layer < 1~2 mm pitch Help with pads ? (good for all the 3) T. Kawamoto
L1 latency T. Kawamoto BW TGC data arrives at SL 1088ns after collision. This margin is shared by muon upgrade, topo trig, CTP, MuCTPi upgrades
L1 latency T. Kawamoto data from NSW new SL Data from NSW should arrive at new SL earlier than those from BW TGC things are easy.
T. Kawamoto11 Requirements on precision tracking Not much studied yet, except for efficiency drop of MDT at high rate What are needed at high lumi to maintain the tracking performance ? Can we aim even improving the performance (if there is any room) ? more layers faster detector Reconstruction experts contacted. Foresee reports in next meetings.
T. Kawamoto12 Requirements as a detector system Mechanics Large-Small layout Ensure access to detector, electronics and services Similar or better radiation shielding 100% detector coverage Careful about services size of cables, tubes cooling needed ? Alignment Installation strategy, ALARA Cost
T. Kawamoto13 Basic structure : with JD or without ? JD is not needed as magnetic return for solenoid without JD, the whole structure may be light-weight : easy to handle without JD, access to detector will be easier However JD is (believed to be) needed for mag-shielding for LAr, Tile electronics and JD does radiation shielding (simulation study)
T. Kawamoto14 Next steps Establish the requirements Participation needed (background reference, L1, tracking, system) More structured/organized activities : working group Tools for performance study: perhaps no single super tool High lumi MC with the present detector (still need validation) Overlay of real data to emulate high lumi condition (good for some Simulation of new detector anyway (technical difficulty …. Next meetings 28 April (Thursday) 13 May (Friday) 30 May (Monday) 17 June (Friday) 5 July (Tuesday, Muon week) 22 July (Friday) TP editorial meetings
T. Kawamoto15 Requirements Layout 1 Layout 2 Layout 3 Expected performance Baseline layout Layout …… Evolution Autumn 2011 a panel of external members with
T. Kawamoto16 LHC and shutdown schedule Shutdown for phase -1 : end of 2011, EEL, EES C-side, trigger feet region Shutdown for phase 0 : 2013, 2014(a part of), 19 months for LHC, 2 years p - p Shutdown for phase 1 : 2017 possibility of 2018 being discussed
T. Kawamoto17 Requirements on tracking, L1, technical feasibility, cost, …. : in next few months Technical proposal : draft by end July for circulation in the muon collaboration Requirements with several detector/electronics options Finalise Sept/Oct 2011 proceed to the project Detector technology choice, baseline layout : by autumn 2011 Suggested schedule : for discussion here and also at the muon week
T. Kawamoto18 Last autumn, when IB set up the internal project of new small wheel, phase-1 shutdown was Many considered that 2016 was very tight (and I agree) may be just OK would be better. No margin for slowing down the schedule.