Eastern States Residency Conference: Evaluator Training Program EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Learning Objectives Provide mentorship to the PGY-2 resident through modeling, coaching and facilitating Engage PGY-2 residents in the formal evaluation of platform presentations Develop PGY-2 residents’ confidence in providing constructive verbal and written feedback EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Platform Presentation Overview Presentation length is minutes plus 3-5 minutes for Q&A The moderator will introduce the resident and the title of the project The evaluator will collect the evaluation forms and summarize the feedback verbally EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
What is the challenge? Short time to evaluate Ability to think on your feet Summarize written evaluations Provide verbal feedback EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
The Learning Pyramid. (Source: Nimmo CM. Developing training materials and programs: creating educational objectives and assessing their attainment. In: Nimmo CM, Greene SA, Gurerro R, Taylor JT, eds. Staff development for pharmacy practice. Washington, DC: ASHP; 2000.)
Content of the Presentation Research question and/or primary objective is stated Sufficient background is provided for study rationale Methods support the research question Results are analyzed appropriately Discussion includes study limitations EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Research Design Research question and/or primary objective is stated Study is designed to answer the research question or measure the primary objective Appropriate statistical method is utilized Conclusions are supported by the results Limitations EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Audio/Visual Figures are clear and legible Bullet points are well summarized and not too detailed Slide template, color and font is not distracting EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Presentation skills Verbal and non-verbal communication skills are appropriate Presenter is comfortable and well prepared Expertise is demonstrated by the ability to answer questions EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Miscellaneous Resident’s involvement in the project is clear Resident presented within the allotted time EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Tips for Effective Feedback Providing constructive feedback can be challenging Always be respectful and find something positive to say Feedback should be factual and not judgmental Your input will help the resident move his/her project forward EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE
Acknowledgements Content developed for The Eastern States Residency Conference by: Amy L. Ives, Pharm.D., BCPS University of Maryland Baltimore William Prescott Jr., Pharm.D. University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences