Geology and Geophysics Overview 33 Faculty 15 Staff 56 Graduate students from 13 nations 39 Undergraduate students (from at least 2 planets) ~$3-4M External research ~1800 Learning hrs/week 94% Graduate students on full GA’s ~150 Community members
Geology and Geophysics The GG Mission* To identify and solve fundamental and applied problems in the Geosciences; to acquire new knowledge about Hawai'i, the Pacific Basin, and Earth; to serve society by teaching and training future geoscientists, teachers, and citizens; and to be a principal resource for objective geologic expertise to the state of Hawaii. *GG Strategic Plan, 2006
Geology and Geophysics Standing Committees Personnel and Planning Graduate Studies Student (undergraduate) Admissions Departmental Operations Curriculum Alumni and Public Relations
Geology and Geophysics Research Fields Composition and dynamics of Earth's deep interior. Formation, motion and recycling of Earth's crust. Earth's surface processes involving water, sediments, and life. Earth history. Earth hazards, resources and sustainability. The Solar System. Geophysics and Tectonics (GT, 8 th ) Marine and Environmental Geology (MEG, 7 th ) Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (VGP, 6 th )
Geology and Geophysics Research Facilities Isotope Laboratory Deep-Ocean Observatory System Electron Microprobe Laboratory Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory X-Ray Fluorescence Laboratory Experimental Petrology Laboratory Multi-Collector Plasma Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Magnetic Sector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Petrography Laboratory Seismic Processing and Analysis Facility Geophysics and Tectonics High Performance Computing Laboratory
Geology and Geophysics Research
Teaching BA – Geology BS – Geology and Geophysics –37 credits required courses (C average) –11 credits of electives –28 credits of support courses MS – Geology and Geophysics (Plan A, Plan B) PhD – Geology and Geophysics Student evaluations are consistently strong Fully assessed program (WASC accreditation)
Geology and Geophysics Teaching
Service and Honors Steve Stanley, National Academy of Science. Bruce Houghton, Macdonald Chair in Volcanology and Hawaii State Volcanologist. Julia Hammer, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers Brian Popp, Fellow - Geochemical Society and European Association for Geochemistry Scott Rowland - Commissioner, Hawai'i Natural Area Reserve System Chip Fletcher - Commissioner, Hawai'i Legacy Lands Commission – 16,000/month
Geology and Geophysics Challenges Re-establish full G-funded salary base. –Unlike HIGP, this department has never had a policy of partially funded faculty lines, yet it has been forced on us nonetheless. Return R and S funds to department to develop new research and learning initiatives. We have lab sections needing TA’s, but only 5 positions –When GG101 grows = 6 TA’s –Ideally upper div. have 1 TA each = 6 TA’s Fall (5xGG101L + GG170L), 301L, 303L Spring (5xGG101L) GG200L, 302L, 304L, 309L SPACE –Especially w/ arrival of Pahnke, Jahren, Conrad Poor quality instruction in Math and Physics
Geology and Geophysics Vision for the next decade* Vision for the next decade* GG will increase our national and international recognition as a leader in research, education, and service excellence. This will be achieved by vigorously building collaborations with our community of alumni, the geotechnical industry, and sister units within SOEST and UHM. The goal of these collaborations is multifold, including increased fiscal autonomy, new directions in GeoScience education, enhancing the scholarly culture and community of GG and SOEST, and moving into emerging areas of GeoScience prominence. *GG Strategic Plan, 2006