UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE University of Belgrade and its Role in EGIDA as a GEOSS Stakeholder Ivana Vasiljević FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY
UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE Faculties are organized into 4 groups: - social sciences and humanities (10), - medical sciences (4), - natural sciences and mathematics (6) and - technological sciences (11). The University of Belgrade is a state university, with students and employees (teaching stuff ). University comprises - 31 faculties, - 11 research institutes, - University Library and - 7 university centers.
UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE We are still developing the new system of studies. The biggest change from the old system are the doctoral studies. We are looking for the ways to include the growing number of doctoral students into the projects, especially those that cover new approaches and ideas. Earth observation projects and programmes that promote GEOSS are very interesting for quite a number of our doctoral students. The new system of studies was introduced in Now we have - 97 programmes of undergraduate studies, programmes of master studies, - 69 programmes of doctoral studies.
UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE Among the international projects there are: - 34 project under the Seventh Framework Programme, - 11 project under the SCOPES ( ). A number of international and national projects deal with the Earth observation data. The University of Belgrade participates in a large number of international and national projects.
By the new system of studies (since 2005), we have: - 7 programmes of undergraduate studies (776 students), - 7 programmes of master studies (65 students), - 4 programmes of doctoral studies (71 student). Faculty of Mining and Geology belongs to the technological sciences group of the University of Belgrade. We currently have 1012 students and 224 employees (teaching stuff - 131). FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY
Study programmes at the Geological section are - Geology, - Geophysics - Geotechnics and - Hydrogeology. Study programmes at the Mining section are - Mining Engineering - Petroleum Engineering and - Environmental and Safety Engineering (totally new program, that deals with mining pollution and environmental and safety protection in mining areas). Faculty of Mining and Geology is devided into two sections – Geological Section and Mining Section. FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY
Projects under the Seventh Framework Programme: RESTCA-TERCE-NIPMSS - REinforcing S&T CApacities of Two Emerging Research Centers for Natural and Industial Pollutant Materials in Serbia and Slovenia PROMITHEAS-4 - Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios (climate changes due to industrial pollution) Faculty of Mining and Geology participates in several international and national projects. FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY
Climate Changes and Water Supply CCWaterS - Climate Changes and Water Supply – South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme SourceSink - A TOPO-EUROPE Collaborative Research Project (FROM SOURCE TO SINK - INTEGRATED NATURAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT THROUGH THE QUANTIFICATION OF MASS TRANSFER FROM MOUNTAIN RANGES TO ACTIVE SEDIMENTARY BASINS) SARMa - Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management Modernization of Post-Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Chemistry Related Programmes – TEMPUS project Other international projects are: FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY
GEOHAZARDINFO : Virtual data base center for geohazards – bilateral project with Republic of Croatia Alltogether 14 national projects fininanced by the Goverment of the Republic of Serbia (5 projects in Basic Research Programme and 7 projects in Technological Development Programme). The most of our international and national projects deal with the Earth observation data. We also participate in: FACULTY OF MINING AND GEOLOGY
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