TYPES OF READING/WRITING ✕ Poetry ✕ Drama ✕ Prose Fiction Nonfiction
FICTION GENRES ✕ Science fictionFolk tales ✕ SatireFairytales ✕ FantasyFables ✕ MysteryTall Tales ✕ Horror ✕ Legend ✕ Suspense Thriller
FICTION ELEMENTS ✕ Author’s purpose – to narrate or entertain (to tell a story) ✕ Character – who the story is about; Flat, round, static, dynamic, antagonist, protagonist ✕ Setting - time, place, mood ✕ Plot – the sequence of events in a story; rising action, climax, falling action ✕ Theme – what the story is about; the message from the author ✕ Point of View – 1 st person, 3 rd person limited, 3 rd person omniscient
CHARACTER ✕ Flat – a character that we know nothing about ✕ Round – a character that we know about ✕ Static – a character that never changes ✕ Dynamic – a character that changes ✕ Antagonist – a character that opposes the protagonist ✕ Protagonist – a character that faces conflict
SETTING ✕ Time – when ✕ Place – where ✕ Mood – how the story makes you feel; this is created by the tone that the author uses; Tone is created by diction (choice of words)
PLOT ✕ Rising action – the conflicts that occur ✕ Internal conflicts – issues within yourself ✕ External conflicts – issues caused by external forces such as nature or other people ✕ Climax – the high point of the story ✕ Falling action – how the conflicts are resolved
THEME ✕ This is the message that the author wants you to know; it is usually summarized in one or two words Friendship Love Revenge Survival
POINT OF VIEW ✕ First person pov – the narrator is one of the characters telling the story from his/her point of view; Uses “I” ✕ Third person limited pov – the unknown narrator tells a story about the main character; the reader knows about the main character only; Uses “he, she, it” ✕ Third person omniscient pov – the unknown narrator tells a story and gives detailed information about several characters; Uses “he, she, it”
NONFICTION GENRES ✕ Autobiography ✕ Biography ✕ Speeches ✕ Essays ✕ Letters ✕ Newspaper articles ✕ Instructions ✕ Reference books
ELEMENTS OF NONFICTION ✕ Author’s purpose – to persuade or inform ✕ Author’s perspective – is author biased? ✕ Main idea – what the text is about (like a thesis statement) ✕ Supporting details – ideas that support the main idea
Author’s PURPOSE ✕ To Entertain (fiction) – to tell a story +Structure – Chronological Order/Sequence ✕ To Inform - teach, educate, give information, explain Structure - Logical Order ✕ To Persuade – convince, argue +Structure – Logical, Spatial, etc…
Author’s PERSPECTIVE ✕ Tone - the attitude of the writer ✕ Fact – a true statement; can be proved ✕ Opinion – point of view of an author ✕ Generalization - stereotyping ✕ Bias – being opinionated ✕ Pathos - emotional proof ✕ Logos - logical proof (facts) ✕ Ethos - ethical proof (testimony, quote) ✕ Fallacies - false truths