5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 1 “LaClef” unlocking public sector GI Claude Luzet MEGRIN Executive Director.


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Presentation transcript:

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 1 “LaClef” unlocking public sector GI Claude Luzet MEGRIN Executive Director

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 2 Topics  introduction  predecessors : GDDD, ESMI  the “LaClef” solution  towards a real European solution

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 3 MEGRIN full members + Other CERCO members + observers The operational arm of CERCO 35 NMAs

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 4 LaClef  A ‘new’ Info2000 project (EC-DGXIII)  Objectives: improve and develop GDDD initiate efficient pan-European e-commerce  Time scale Jan.99 - Dec.2000

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 5 LaClef - objectives (1)  Improve and develop current GDDD content:  simplified (core metadata)  higher resolution (map-sheet level)  wider spectrum (aerial photos, geology, …)  sample data + fully multilingual service Content :“find it” or metadata (again) Content :“find it” or metadata (again)…..

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 6 LaClef - objectives (2)  interfaced with distributed servers:  link to existing NMAs servers  link to other servers: GEIXS, etc...  e-commerce prototype  associated services  geodetic tools  format, …. ….yes, but metadata for better service: “buy it” - “use it”

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 7 GDDD: the ‘old’ system  Data maintenance: MS-Access update tool  Central database  Static html web pages GDDD Web service GDDD Master DB GDDD based Data collection NMAs’ GDDD DB

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 8 The good ‘old’ system  useful consistent information over 22 countries (36 organisations)  but updating a hassle : manual typing/uploading translation difficulties standard implementation still subject to personal and/or cultural and/or linguistic specificities

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 9 National Metadata eg SNIG Thematic Metadata eg Geological NMAsNMAsNMAs MEGRINTopographical ESMI User Interface ESMI : linking metadata servers

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 10 The decentralised model  Good modern concept but... limited to shallow information by today’s context content –metadata not available –metadata not consistent –metadata quality unknown user’s needs: –access to data still remote –language dependant financial –system not self-supporting

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 11 LaClef : a four-sided solution 1. Semantics 2. Architecture 3. Services 4. E-commerce

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 12 laClef - semantics  a common implementation of the standard a core-metadata based on CEN TC 287 application-focused ad maximum controlled lists all predefined terms multilingual  define a common exchange format an XML implementation of the core and its controlled lists 1

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 13 LaClef: XML Data transfer concept 1

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 14 Seamless transfer of metadata 1

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 15 EuroMapFinder architecture: a centralised/decentralised hybrid EuroMap- Finder user interface GDDD v.3 Central Meta DB DB 1 DB 2 On- line DB 3 Metadata Creation tool Dynamic html 2

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 16 The services  Fully multilingual, a service to: the (meta)data provider the user  XML format & tools for the (meta)data provider  Adding value services geodetic (customised co-ordinates) format to order data clipping,... 3

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 17 E-commerce  A three-level prototype: central transaction –centrally held and owned data –decentralised data connection to existing e-commerce  double objective validation of the core-metadata commercial justification of the metadata effort 4

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 18 LaClef Core metadata  built on the ESMI core  based on Standard (CEN TC287)  with a few additional elements  quality, extent, pricing  supported by extensive fully multilingual thesaurus  easily mapped to ISO, FGDC,... a European GI profile of CEN & ISO

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 19 Core metadata: a pan-European work program ?  May ‘99: final first version of MEGRIN core metadata for LaClef based on GDDD experience ESMI core metadata EUROGI workshops and panels NMAs questionnaires & October ‘98 workshop LaClef partners, geology (GEIXS)  2000: version 2 for full “LaClef” implementation, and cross program action ?

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 20 Conclusion — Vision Common core metadata model ESMI LaClef GISEDI GEIXS You? XML exch. formatXML tools

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 21 Common problems Common standard implementation 2. Metadata availability 3. Product unique identifier 4. VAT and cross-border e-commerce … require common solutions and the support from the EC

5th EC-GIS Stresa 28./29./30. June 1999 LaClef — unlocking public sector GI 22 Thank you Mille grazie Merci