Manual Direction Cave & Karst Resources Management James Goodbar Senior Cave /Karst Specialist Bureau of Land Management May 12-16, 2014 Cody, Wyoming
Objectives (BLM) A.Provide a framework for Cave & Karst Management B.Establish surface & subsurface management practices C.Ensure actions requiring approval are consistent with the agency missions
Objectives (BLM) A.Provide a framework to Identify, Evaluate, Manage, Monitor and Protect Cave and Karst Resources on public lands for the purpose of maintaining their significant values for both present and future uses.
Objectives (BLM) B.Establish adequate Surface and Subsurface Management Practices to ensure the long term protection of Cave and Karst resources.
Objectives (BLM) C.Ensure that actions related to Cave and Karst resources requiring authorization or approval by the specified agency are consistent with the mission of multiple use and sustained yield (BLM)
Objectives (USFS) 2880 To provide information about National Forest Systems lands for the periodic assessment To develop a basic knowledge of geologic resources and hazards and their associated landscapes at a level appropriate for management needs Secure, protect, and preserve significant caves for the perpetual use, enjoyment, and benefit of all people, and to foster increased cooperation and exchange of information with those who utilize caves for scientific, educational, or recreational purposes Provide cave related recreational, cultural, educational, and scientific study opportunities that serve public needs. Balance surface resource management and cave use with the protection of cave values.
Objectives (NPS) 1. Protection of natural processes and resources in cave ecosystems and karst landscapes; 2. Scientific studies and research in or about cave and karst resources and systems to broaden understanding; 3. Detailed cartographic surveys and inventories of cave and karst systems; 4. Provide for educational and recreational opportunities; 5. Establishment of regulations, guidelines, and permit stipulations to ensure maximum conservation of cave and karst resources and processes; 6. Direction for cave restoration activities that remove unnatural materials or restore otherwise impacted areas; 7. Establishment of standard operating procedures in the maintenance and upkeep of developed cave passages; 8. Monitoring of natural environmental conditions and visitor use and impact; 9. Develop methods for sustainable use of cave resources.
Authorities Archaeological Resources Protection Act Antiquities Act BLM MANUAL 8380, USFS MANUAL 2880/2356, Clean Water Act Endangered Species Act Federal Cave Resources Protection Act Federal Land Policy and Management Act Multiple Use – Sustained Yield Act National Cave and Karst Research Institute Act National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) National Historic Preservation Act Organic Administrative Act Paleontological Resources Protection Act Title 43 (CFR), Part 37- Cave Management (BLM) Title 36 (CFR), Part 290 – Cave Management (USFS) Title 36 (CFR), Parts (NPS) Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act Water Pollution Control Act Wilderness Act Others….
BLM Responsibility Director Assistant Director - Renewable Resources Cave/Karst Resources Senior Specialist State Directors District Managers Field Office Managers
USFS Responsibility Directors, Minerals and Geology Management/ Recreation, Heritage, Volunteer Resources Assistant Directors, Geologic Resources, Hazards, Surface Areas/ RHVR National Cave and Karst Program Coordinators, Geology and Rec Regional Foresters Forest Supervisors Forest Geologists/ Recreation Specialists
NPS Responsibility Various Park Divisions – Resources, Interpretation & Education, Maintenance, Law Enforcement & Visitor Services Park Superintendents* Regional Director and Associate Regional Directors Director through Associate Directors –For Natural Resources – Ray Sauvajot – Acting –National Cave and Karst Program Coordinator – Provide guidance, recommendations, and other types of help with various aspects of park programs
Policy Identify and Inventory Resources Land Use Planning –a. Management –b. Marketing –c. Monitoring –d. Administration Manage to Protect Fragile Resources Volunteers and Partnerships Education and Coordination
Files & Records Maintenance: Maintain Cave & Karst Resource Records. Secure Records - Prevent Unauthorized Access. Report Significant Caves in RMIS (BLM) Report Gates, Trails, etc. in FAMS (BLM) Significant cave reporting in INFRA (USFS) –New geospatial component the next few years
Relationship to Other Programs Reduce Conflict Coordinate
Definitions Photo by: J. Goodbar
Handbook: In Progress The Manual tells us What we are to do. The Handbook tells us How to do it.
NPS Natural Resource Management Reference Manual #77 Lots of good guidance – needs some updating Photo by Dale Pate