Point of View Each story is told from a particular point of view, or perspective.


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Presentation transcript:

Point of View

Each story is told from a particular point of view, or perspective.

First-person POV The narrator is a character. Uses first-person pronouns such as I, me, we, and us. BE CAREFUL….just because you see first person pronouns does not necessarily mean it’s first-person POV.

Second-person POV Refers to the reader. Comprised of mainly imperative sentences. EX: textbooks, manuals, how-to books/pamphlets, etc.

Third-person POV The narrator is NOT a character Third person pronouns are used such as he, she, they, and them. BE CAREFUL…just because you see these pronouns being used, does NOT necessarily mean it’s third- person POV

Third-person Omniscient Define “omniscient” Narrator relays thoughts and feelings of several or all the characters

Third-person Limited The narrator relays the thoughts and feelings of only one character.