What new and interesting events are OLLIs offering?
Sally Klein, Southern Oregon University Tom Santee, Eckerd College Noreen Fry, University of Miami
Plays scheduled for 9 months of the year 3 separate theaters
Established in 1993 (as SOLIR) Current membership at 1100 98 Fall classes One full-time employee One student assistant, 15 hours/week Volunteer instructors Membership fee $100
Trips between OLLIs Visit a special event Class or instructor exchange Guest presentation Local trips to supplement classes Local geology See a performance Visit a winery
Laina Warsavage, Humboldt State University 40 OLLI members came to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for Macbeth, 2009
Troon Vineyard Winery, Applegate Valley, Oregon
Paschal Winery, Talent, Oregon
Program Coordinator Membership Local Cultural Sites and Businesses
Better understand potential roadblocks to progress Budget strategies regarding potential of raising membership dues Expand ideas for managing OLLI
Tap into local expertise Additional information the instructor can use in class Open new areas of discussion Discuss new options for trips
Work closely with Curriculum Committee Identify area of interest for a trip Does OLLI want to create a profit? Scholarships?
Determine size of travel group Establish waiting list Contact OLLI at destination to see what’s available
Work with Travel Agent Transportation Hotel Tickets Local Charter Bus Have members pay in full prior to trip
Waivers Medical Information First-aid Kit CPR Identify Closest ER Getting Lost Follow-up Check on Reservations Food and Drinks for Local Trips
Questionnaires Before: expectations? After: expectations met? Share information with Council and members Remember: The Next One Will Be Easier!