Evaluating the impact of the Quality Research in Dementia (QRD) Consumer Network on the Alzheimer’s Society’s Research Programme Shirley NurockTed Freer Members of QRD consumer network
QRD Involvement in research Brainstorming – research priorities Application review and prioritisation Award Panels Project Monitoring Dissemination
AIMS 1) To determine the quality of the research funded 2)To determine value of consumer involvement in Alzheimer’s Society research a)Compare pre and post 2000 QRD programme b)Compare with an equivalent programme with no consumer involvement c)Value for money
QRD Evaluation Project Phase I Collection of publications and other outcomes from completed projects Phase II Postal evaluation of project output and outcomes by QRD consumer network and scientists
EVALUATION CRITERIA Publication in scientific peer-reviewed journals using journal impact factors Results being used by other groups for policy, research and treatments Career development of researchers in dementia research and practice Increased awareness of dementia issues resulting from project
DEFINING THE QUESTIONS Q1. How well were the objectives of the research proposal met? Q2. How do you rank the level of output from the project? Q3. How much difference will this research make to people with dementia? Consumers answer questions by marking on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is a high score, and 10 is a very low score
RESULTS Discrimination between the three questions for same researcher
RESULTS Q3. How much difference will this research make to people with dementia?
CONSUMER’S CONCERNS More informative final project reports Difficult to evaluate quality of output More information on what use was made of the results More information on grant holders subsequent activities Wider dissemination beyond scientific press
FURTHER EVALUATION Phase III Consumer-enhanced scientific committees evaluate selected projects Phase IV External peer review of the scientific quality of research funded Phase V Independent evaluation of the impact of consumer involvement both internally and externally to the Alzheimer’s Society
CONCLUSIONS This is an ongoing innovative study Stepwise development Consumers can evaluate output and quality
Further Information Telephone QRD Office :
INFORMATION PROVIDED Short summary & conclusion Final Report documenting Publications & Abstracts with journal Impact Factors Books and/or chapters Conference oral & poster presentations Further research resulting from project Career progression of researchers