Vintage VIBES Visiting and Befriending Service
Partnership between LifeCare Edinburgh – lead agency - and The Broomhouse Centre Partly funded by the Big Lottery for 4 years through the Supporting 21 st Century Programme 2
Vintage VIBES Visiting and Befriending Service Vintage Vibes is unique as a multi-faceted approach will be adopted The service will operate a long/er term intervention across Edinburgh as a partnership service because of the geographical spread of the project and to increase the reach of the project. 3
LifeCare Edinburgh Established in Provides care, support and community services for the elderly, people with dementia, carers. Three registered centre-based day care services: Two dementia and one frail care day care services A registered citywide Outreach Direct service Including Time Out for Carers and Hospital to Home A citywide Help at Home service Including Shopping Buddies Café Life, and The LifeCare Centre at Stockbridge House Social activities/clubs 4
The Broomhouse Centre Established in 1991 Provides community services for vulnerable groups of people in SW Edinburgh Dementia Day Care Adult Carers Support Carers Clinic Elderly Befriending Young Carers Project Youth Befriending Project Young Peoples’ Counselling Project Café Training Project Crescent Kitchen Community Health Hub 5
Vintage VIBES Aims to deliver a project for people over 60 years of age Using an innovative delivery model the project will offer bespoke long/er term interventions for older people across the city of Edinburgh Support to individuals will be delivered by volunteers and will comprise of: 6
Vintage VIBES 1-1 befriending in the home 1-1 befriending outside the home Hospital visiting Friendship pools/groups Pet visiting/therapy Family visiting 7
Vintage VIBES Beneficiaries Of The Project: Older people over 60 years of age who are: Isolated, lonely, in ineffective and unsupportive neighbourhoods and or communities Older people with a mental health issue, hard to reach older people e.g. men, LGBT, ME groups Older people with dementia, carers and people with a disability and/or long term illness 8
Vintage VIBES Outcome 1: Older people will report reduced isolation and positive feelings about their lives and their futures through contact with Vintage VIBES 9
Vintage VIBES Indicators: 100 isolated older people will have a Vintage VIBES intervention of their design with a volunteer on a weekly basis Over 80 volunteers will be recruited and trained each year and placed in appropriately supported circumstances 20 friendship pools will be created organically 10 supported children, family or group interventions will be facilitated 10
Vintage VIBES Outcome 2: Older men who would not normally engage with such a project, will demonstrate improved contact with the community and reduced isolation 11
Vintage VIBES Indicators: 40 difficult to reach and isolated older men who have rejected other services will receive a Vintage VIBES intervention appropriate to their interests 4 friendship pools will be facilitated 3 isolated but more able older men, who are service users, will become volunteers 12
Vintage VIBES Outcome 3: People with dementia will be happier, more in control of their surroundings and more able to stay at home for longer 13
Vintage VIBES Indicators: Around 20 people with dementia will receive a Vintage VIBES intervention appropriate to their ability to engage 10 people with dementia will be visited in hospital and following discharge creating a home and community network 10 people with dementia per year will receive a therapeutic pet visit 14
Vintage VIBES Recruitment process with Bruce Tait Associates in progress Marketing/Communications Officer and 2 Co-ordinators Appointments expected to be 1 st October
Vintage VIBES Management and Staffing 16
Vintage VIBES Referral Routes 17 Courtesy of EVOC