Title I: Supplemental Educational Services Regional Technical Assistance Sessions May,2009
SES Monitoring Findings DDOE did not ensure SES were only provided to eligible students –SES was offered to non-eligible students in –LEAs did not verify the eligibility of the students signing-up to receive SES
Which Students Are Eligible To Receive SES Services? All students from low-income families who attend a Title I school with the AYP rating of SI2, CA, R1, R2 Eligibility is not dependent on whether a student is a member of a subgroup that did not make AYP In a Title I schoolwide program, although all students are eligible for Title I services, only students from low-income families are eligible for SES services In a targeted assistance school, eligibility does not depend on whether the student is receiving Title I services
Monitoring Resolution DOE will Provide ongoing technical assistance and guidance and Monitor SES participant data to ensure all participating students meet poverty criteria –SES providers submit participation data –DOE verifies eligibility
SES Monitoring Finding DDOE did not ensure SES per-pupil allocations were calculated correctly –The SES per-pupil amount for both the and school years were incorrectly calculated –LEAs incorrectly calculated per-pupil amounts using free and reduced lunch data; –Census poverty data must be used to determine per-pupil allocations
Funding For SES The per pupil allocation for SES costs = Title I, Part A allocation # of children residing within the LEA aged 5-17 who are from families below the census poverty level as determined by the most recent census estimates from the Department of Commerce.
Funding For SES A district must spend the lesser of: 1.The Title I per pupil allocation for that school 2.or the actual costs of the supplemental educational services received by the child. A district is required to spend up to 20% of the total Title I, part A allocation (Minus the amount spent on Choice and as needed to meet parent demand.)
What Happens if an LEA spends less than its 20% set-aside? To spend less than the amount needed to meet its 20% obligation and to use the unexpended amount for other allowable activities in a given school year, an LEA must meet, at minimum, all of the following criteria: Partner to the extent practicable, with outside groups, such as faith-based organizations, other community-based organizations, and business groups, to help inform eligible students and their families of the opportunities to transfer or to receive SES Ensure that eligible students and their parents have a genuine opportunity to sign up to transfer or obtain SES Ensure that eligible SES providers are given access to school facilities, using a fair, open, and objective process, on the same basis and terms as are available to other groups that seek access to school facilities
Monitoring Resolution DOE will provide ongoing technical assistance and guidance and Monitor SES per pupil calculations during the Desk Audit process (LEA spreadsheets okay) Monitor SES expenditures during Desk Audit using the funding data entry sheet
SES Monitoring Finding The DEDOE has not ensured that LEA SES notification letters included the required elements.
Information To Be Included Parents Notice Explanation on how parents can obtain SES for their child Information on each approved SES Provider (available: state_fed_programs/vendorlist.shtmlhttp:// state_fed_programs/vendorlist.shtml) An explanation of the benefits of receiving SES
Types of Notifications Newspaper Radio Television Bulletin Boards Websites Community Partnerships Provider Fairs Pamphlets
Providing Information To Parents LEA must provide notice to the parents of each eligible student regarding the availability of SES including specific information about the timing of services Notice to parents should be easily understandable and in a language the parents can understand Notice to parents should be clear and concise and clearly distinguishable from other information on school improvement that the LEA sends to parents. See sample letter in Quick Guidance
Monitoring Resolution DOE will provide ongoing technical assistance and guidance and Monitor SES notification during the Desk Audit process –See Parent Notification monitoring protocol –LEAs submit sample notifications
Which Schools Must Offer SES ? Title I schools that that have failed to make AYP for three years and have an AYP rating of School Improvement 2 (SI2) Title I schools that have the AYP rating of Corrective Action (CA) Title I schools that have an AYP rating of Restructuring (R1 or R2)
District Responsibilities Notify parents about the availability of services at least annually Help parents choose a provider, if requested Apply fair and equitable procedures for serving students if not all students can be served Ensure that eligible students with disabilities and LEP students receive appropriate services Enter into an agreement with a provider selected by parents of an eligible student
District Responsibilities Continued Assist the SEA in identifying potential providers within the LEA Prominently display on its Web site beginning with school year the number of students who were eligible to receive SES services and the number of students who participated in SES List on its Web site list of providers approved to serve the LEA and the locations where services will be provided The LEA should display the information on its Web site in a place that is visible and easy for parents to locate.
District/Provider Agreement Once parents select a provider for their child, an LEA, the district must enter into an agreement with the provider that includes the following: Specific achievement goals for the student which must be developed in consultation with the students parents and the provider A description of how the students progress will be measured and how the students parents and teachers will be regularly informed of that progress A timetable for improving the students achievement A provision for terminating the agreement if the provider fails to meet the students specific achievement goals and timetables
District/Provider Agreement Continued Provisions governing payment for the services, which may include provisions addressing missed sessions A provision prohibiting the provider from disclosing to the public the identity of any student eligible for or receiving SES without the written permission of the students parents An assurance that SES will be provided consistent with applicable health, safety, and civil rights laws Contracts should contain information on proper procedures for collecting student attendance and submitting invoices It is the responsibility of the LEA, not the provider, to ensure that an agreement is completed for each student participating in SES and that each agreement includes the information required under the statute.
Local Role and Challenges Proactively inform parents of their options Create a parent-friendly sign-up process Form a strong, supportive partnership with providers Get buy in from teachers and principals Support alignment between supplemental educational services and local instructional activities.
Contact Information Theresa Kough