Introduction Background to Andover Mind Dementia – the National and local picture The dementia friendly communities project How you can get involved
Andover Mind Working with people with dementia more than 15 yrs Pilot site for dementia advice service Now also serving Winchester, Eastleigh, Romsey, Basingstoke Deane and Alton, Hart Rushmoor HCC contract for well-being centres in Andover, Romsey, Winchester, Eastleigh Other services include older people’s mental health, advocacy and counselling
What is dementia? A set of symptoms which include: loss of memory, mood changes problems with communication and reasoning Symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain diseases or by a series of small strokes.
National picture of dementia 800,000 people with dementia in the UK Two thirds are women Closely associated with age Two thirds of people with dementia live in the community Only one third of people with dementia ever receive a diagnosis
It is estimated that more than half of dementia cases in Hampshire are undiagnosed and numbers are predicted to increase by over 30% from 18,000 people in 2012 to 24,000 in 2020 source:POPPI
Predicted number of people with dementia by district
Perceptions of what life is like for people with dementia… 58% thought quality of life was fairly bad or very bad 52% thought that care provided was fairly bad or very bad 61% thought inclusion in communities was fairly bad or very bad YouGov survey 2011
The top five community solutions that people with dementia report could be done to make it easier for them to live life the way they want: Better understanding of dementia and less social stigma More public awareness of the condition More local activities and opportunities to socialise More tolerance and patience from others More community spirit Source: Alzheimer’s Society Dementia 2012 Report
People with dementia would like family (54%), friends (58%), neighbours (51%), health and social care professionals 58%), people working in banks, post offices and shops (62%), the police (54%) to have more of an understanding of dementia… Source: Alzheimer’s Society Dementia 2012 Report
Dementia Friendly Communities is a new project commissioned by Hampshire County Council and delivered by Andover Mind. Hampshire is at the forefront of work nationally.
What is a dementia friendly community? Where the greatest number of people: can live a good life can live independently and be part of their community are met with understanding and given support when needed
Project Aims People with dementia and carers at the heart of the project Empowered people with dementia and carers Engaged and inclusive community Positive impact on the lives of those with dementia and carers Sustainable activity and impacts
How will we achieve our aims… Development of Hampshire Dementia Action Alliance Pilot sites for dementia friendly high streets Peer support Awareness raising sessions Network of dementia ambassadors Inspiring communities to get involved
What can you do? Put dementia on your agenda Get an understanding of the issues in your community Join the Hampshire Dementia Action Alliance and put that knowledge to work for people with dementia in your community Raise awareness of dementia in your community
Dementia is everyone’s business – pass it on…Want to know more watch the video c9KY c9KY