In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number 304979 IN-MINDD Kate Irving Dublin City University, Sebastian.


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Presentation transcript:

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number IN-MINDD Kate Irving Dublin City University, Sebastian Kohler, Frans Verhey, Martin Von Boxtel, Maastricht University 1

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Innovative Midlife Intervention for Dementia Deterrence


In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Core Concept Measurable and modifiable risk factors in middle age have a profound impact on the risk and/or onset of dementia in the over-70s. Communication and awareness that dementia risk can be modified will have a major impact.

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Implications of Dementia Human costs to those with dementia and their families Globally, 1% of GDP; if dementia care were a country, it would be the world’s 18 th largest economy Dementia is incurable but, as with most age- related diseases, has a complex aetiology and pathogenesis

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Average % Australian Survey respondents 6

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Risk Awareness Widespread poor awareness of risk factors for dementia –Public –Health Care Providers Need for accurate risk model and integration into mainstream healthcare systems.

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Risk Models Existing models of risk based on 8-10 factors some of which are not modifiable 1. Lacking depression and physical activity. Need broader portfolio of risks, modifiable risks and identify dependencies between risks A more complete model that is appropriate for routine measurement in a general practice environment. ( 1 Kivipelto 2006 Stephan et al 2010, Reitz et al 2010)

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Risk and Protective Factors

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Work Plan WP1 Algorithm creation WP2 Translation into INMINDD system –Normalisation Process Theory –System co-design WP3 Validation WP4 Dissemination WP5 Project Management

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Risk Factors – Preliminary results 11

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number On-Going Work Combining 3 data sources to come up with a new and reliable dementia risk Algorithm –Delphi Survey –Updated Systematic Review –Data Mining Maastricht Aging study Validation (DESCRIPA Dataset) Building the IN-MINDD GUI –Co-design with 3 GP practices 12

In-MINDD is funded under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement Number Contact 13