Sri Lanka Ministry of Indigenous Medicine
INDIGENOUS MEDICINE IN SRI LANKA Sri Lanka is a country of rich heritage, of which one is indigenous system of Medicine practiced by the people since time immemorial. The traditional system of medicine called Desheeya Chikitsa is popularly known as the Indigenous system of medicine in Sri Lanka enriched with contributions of the Ayurveda system of medicine from North India, the Siddha system of medicine from South India and the Unani system of medicine of Arabs.
VISION - THE MINISTRY OF INDIGENOUS MEDICINE A healthy and prosperous nation for contributing to the development of the country through Indigenous Systems of Medicine (ISM )
MISSON - MINISTRY OF INDIGENOUS MEDICINE To achieve the quality of life by contributing to physical, mental, social, economic and spiritual well-being of the people of Sri Lanka by adopting professional excellence in Indigenous Systems of Medicine (ISM)
The Goal Improving the health status of the Sri Lankan people through best practices of traditional, indigenous and other knowledge systems while preserving the identity and strengthening the role and contribution of the Indigenous Systems of Medicine (ISM) in the National Healthcare System.
OBJECTIVES - 1 To expand, re-structure, strengthen and rationalize the present Care Services network of the Government and Private Sectors as required ensuring the quality of Care Services with the object of enhancing the public confidence and client satisfaction regarding the Healthcare Services pertaining to the Indigenous Systems of Medicine.
OBJECTIVES - 2 To encourage the process of subjecting the staff to an excellent treatment to acquire a maximum health standard by strengthening the auxiliary services required for the providing of quality services in the government and private sector.
OBJECTIVES - 3 To strengthen the ability of evidence based decision making for the development of health in Establishments, Departments and Bordeaux relating to Indigenous Medical field.
OBJECTIVES - 4 To enhance the community and society participation in the Healthcare Process through the expansion of the understanding of clients regarding their rights and responsibilities.
OBJECTIVES - 5 To strengthen the management capabilities at Central, Provincial and District level in a manner to enhance the use of responsibilities and management capabilities and capacities of the decentralized Care Services.
OBJECTIVES - 6 To strengthen Research activities enabling the contribution to a programme to ensure the quality of services and products pertaining to the Indigenous Systems of Medicine.
OBJECTIVES - 7 To strengthen the partnership of the Government and private sectors through the establishment of a regulatory structure for encouraging investment to make more efficient the services of the Private Sector and to protect the quality of such services.
OBJECTIVES - 8 To upkeep an efficient, reasonable and economical care service to the satisfaction of the clients by encouraging the political leadership, policy makers, managers, advisors, evaluators and investors to develop such Care Service by continuous utilization of quality information.
OBJECTIVES - 9 To take steps to conserve and develop hereditary and traditional knowledge and practices of Indigenous Systems of Medicine.
OBJECTIVE S - 10 To improve, encourage and generate the financial sources of all levels, for strengthening the financial feasibility to develop infrastructure facilities as required to maintain the Care Services in the field of Indigenous Medicine.
Rehabilitation Preservation Development Promotion Advancement Scope of Activities of Indigenous Systems of Medicine
Institutes under the Ministry of Indigenous Medicine Department of Ayurveda Department of Ayurveda National Institute of Traditional Medicine National Institute of Traditional Medicine Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurveda Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurveda Research Institute Research Institute Ayurveda Medical Council Ayurveda Medical Council Sri Lanka Ayurvedic Drugs Corporation Sri Lanka Ayurvedic Drugs Corporation Homeopathy Hospital Homeopathy Hospital
Health Institutions and Facilities CategoryGovernmentProvincial Council Local Authorities Hospitals0349- Central Dispensaries Free Ayurvedic Dispensaries Medicinal Plants Gardens 06-- Total
The Challenges Imbalance in the health delivery system Insufficient attention towards preventive services Human Resources Development Preservation of traditional knowledge Inadequacy of legal instruments Inadequacy of scientific research Standardization of Ayurvedic Drugs Lack of National Policy for cultivation of herbs Promotion of the herbal industry
Traditional Medicinal Knowledge Management Implementation of Contributory pension scheme Implementation of Contributory pension scheme for Traditional ayurvedic practitioners for Traditional ayurvedic practitioners Establishment of Traditional Research Hospital and Museum Implementing Grukula Programme to conserve the traditional knowledge Conducting Training programes for traditional practitioners Identification of Traditional Practitioners who serve grate service to the Country
Human Resource Development The main arm of training in this sector is the National Institute of Traditional Medicine. This institute is conducting training programs for Traditional Physicians, Medical Officers, Other staffs and communities. There are 7 Divisions for training as follows ; Traditional Medicine Division Management Development Training Division Drugs Production Development Training Division Medicinal Plant Division Community Health care Division Nutrition & School programs Division Information & Statistics Division
Herbal Medicinal Product Development Cultivation of medicinal plants and establishment of herbal gardens to make the medicinal plants freely available and taking the pressure off from the natural habitats of the medicinal plants Preparation of legal frame work to restrict the valuable plants from Sri Lanka
Regulatory Issues - Repealing the Ayurvedic Act no 31 0f Establishment of Ayurvedic Medical Council - Registration of traditional medical practitioners under ayurvedic medical practitioners
Protection of Traditional knowledge - Implementing the programe to conserve the knowledge which come from family heritage (Gurukula programme) - Conserve Ola leaves in which secret formulas had written - Publishing hand books on home remedies - Conducting awaremess programe to make the people aware of using home remedies and