Northern England Strategic Clinical Network Conference 15 th May 2015 Dementia Update Dr Louise Allan Clinical lead for dementia
Outline What have we achieved? What’s happening now? What opportunities do we have? How can you help?
Outline What have we achieved? What’s happening now? What opportunities do we have? How can you help?
Recorded dementia prevalence National NHS Outcome Framework indicator Dementia Prevalence calculator – Numerator: GP QOF registers – Denominator: Estimated dementia prevalence for the area – Taken from Alzheimer's Society 2007 report Various levers to improve Commissioning of memory service DES x2, Hospital CQUIN, Coding work (Dementia Quality toolkit, RAID data)
National and regional performance National: DPC 60.8% (NHS OF 61.6%) 4 Regions: – North: 66.4% – Midlands and East of England: 58.3% – London: 62.3% – South of England: 57.6% 13 Sub regions: – Cumbria/ North East: 68.3% – Lancs/ Manchester: 68.0% – Yorks/ Humber: 65.2% – Cheshire/ Mersey :64.0% 24 Area teams – Durham, Darlington and Tees: 72.7% (1 st ) – Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear: 65.8% (8 th )
Our CCG performance
Mapping project CCGs visited – HAST – North Tyneside – Newcastle West – Sunderland – North Durham – Cumbria Providers visited – Memory protection service, South of Tyne
CQUIN Task and Finish group Review of different approaches used in our acute hospitals Proposed CQUIN based on NICE quality standards for Delirium Not possible to implement this year Aiming to di this in 2016/17
Sharing and learning event
Outline What have we achieved? What’s happening now? What opportunities do we have? How can you help?
Task and finish projects Pathway work for all people with cognitive disorders Guidance on Diagnosis of dementia in acute hospitals Standardisation of notification of diagnosis to GPs HENE funded Delirium Roadshow
Outline What have we achieved? What’s happening now? What opportunities do we have? How can you help?
Opportunities Support based on need rather than diagnosis Joining up with health and social care for patient and carer Involvement in Parkinson’s Excellence Network Joint work with the AHSN Delphi Exercise on Dementia standards Spreading innovation projects
Outline What have we achieved? What’s happening now? What opportunities do we have? How can you help?
Working together Please join the mailing list Please join task and finish groups Feedback your ideas!