7 Open Educational Resources (OER) are materials used to support education that may be freely accessed, reused, modified, and shared (UNESCO and Commonwealth of Learning, 2015). OER is a part of the global open content movement, that involves the sharing of teaching, learning, and research resources that are available under legally-recognized open licenses that are free for people to use, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute (Edutopia, 2014).
1) to analyze and synthesize a conceptual framework with regard to open educational resources management system for Higher Education making use of cloud computing. 2) to design an open educational resources management system for Higher Education based on cloud computing. 10 * * open educational resources management system for Higher Education based on cloud technology (OERMSC)
This research can be divided into two phases as follows. the analysis and synthesis of OERMSC. The researcher undertook a literature review and analyzed the user requirements that relate to open educational resources (OER), self- directed learning, management system, cloud computing technology, the higher education context and the legacy system. Phase 1 11 * * open educational resources management system for Higher Education based on cloud technology (OERMSC)
the design of open educational resources management system on cloud computing for Higher Education. The researcher designs a conceptual framework, a system architecture model and a chart. Phase 2 12
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the design of an open educational resources management system for Higher Education based on cloud computing (OERMSC). 13
The system analysis of an OERMSC can be divided into three components as follows: 14 Figure 3: Chart of the design of an OERMS.
15 2. The management system can be divided into two kinds: 2.1 Users include lecturers, students, and academics. 2.2 The creator includes administrators and specialists, especially specialists who develop content that can work as a group or in terms of collaboration between institutions.
3. Cloud computing can be accessed anytime and anywhere. It has flexibility and can be accessed using various devices. Moreover, users can share resources or data and information (e.g. documents or pictures), because it is easy to access and for users to collaborate. 16 Figure 2: System architecture model of the design of an OERMSC.
So we will use the results for analysis and design by using a unified modeling language (UML) and will present these to specialists to evaluate the efficiency of OERMSC in order to develop better ones. As a result of the design of a conceptual framework, a system architecture model and a chart of an OERMSC. The research findings were as follows: the OERMSC consist of five components as follows: 1) Learning Content, 2) Self-Assessment, 3) Collaboration, 4) Login, and 5) Register. 17