Building Resilience in Ethiopia A Joint Food and Nutrition Security Initiative WFP,UNICEF & FAO
Context Global and regional response to chronic emergencies IGAD IDDRSI Global Climate Change Alliance Ethiopia is progressing Economic growth Social services Social protection Disaster Risk Management Underweight and stunting declined (32% & 23%) But challenges remain Stunting remains at 44.4% (and above 50% in some districts) Trends (population, farm size), seasonality (belg retreat/ CC), weather patterns, recurrent shocks and inequitable economic growth Variable quality of service delivery – education, health, WASH Policy and strategy constraints - lack of systems thinking and development
Population Population & Food Security in Ethiopia
East Haraghe Despite several interventions [PSNP, Relief beneficiaries (WFP & JEOP)], East Haraghe has consistent TFP SAM seasonal admission trends
Strengthened Systems to Deliver Resilience Defined Ability to anticipate, adapt and recover from shocks Requires access to: Basic Social Services Safety nets Livelihood Support DRR/ DRM Basic Social Services Safety Nets Livelihood Support DRR / DRM Food & Nutrition Security Food Security & Nutrition Resilience Ability to anticipate, adapt and recover from shocks without malnutrition spikes or damaging coping strategies Strengthened systems that accommodate shocks by scaling-up food and nutrition response
WFP, UNICEF, FAO in Ethiopia Broad geographic and sectoral coverage Active nation-wide with focus on areas with high levels of malnutrition Operating at scale with strong field presence $1 Billion total annual programming budget Over 1,400 personnel in all regions of the country Complementary Programme Strategies WFP: Food and nutrition security through livelihoods promotion, DRM and relief UNICEF: Health (including WASH) and nutrition focus within a health systems building approach FAO: Food and nutrition security through agriculture, markets and pastoral development Multi-lateral and Bilateral Initiatives FAO/WFP/UNICEF: P4P/PAA the purchase of smallholder farmer produce for school feeding/ social protection programmes/ piloting cash transfers; Watershed Management Plus (a joint planning initiative undertaken by the joint FAO/UNICEF/WFP resilience initiative) REACH & Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) initiatives
Hotspot Woredas & WFP-UNICEF-FAO field presence
FAO Integrated watershed management Dietary diversity P4P with WFP Sustainable agriculture, crop diversification, livestock to improve dietary value Community-led complementary food production Hunger-free schools – P4P/ HGSF Policy support to PSNP Policy support to NNP Policy support to DRM UNICEF Community based nutrition (preventative nutrition) with community-led complementary food production CMAM (curative nutrition) Community-based WASH (water supply, sanitation, hygiene) Pilot cash transfer HEP – iCCM, immunization and primary health care Education, especially access for adolescent girls TVET (youth employment) Decentralised woreda planning support Knowledge management of best practice Support to NNP Policy engagement on SP policy WFP Watershed management/livelihood support R4 Insurance schemes for farmers and exploring livestock-based insurance Urban HIV-Aids nutrition and livelihood saving & loans P4P with FAO Food for assets support through PSNP Home-grown school feeding initiative Humanitarian relief food and cash transfers (including using ‘waiting time during distributions’ for messaging/awareness sessions) Policy support for DRM - Woreda Risk Profiling, and Woreda DRR plans Technical support to Early Warning Dept including LEAP analysis and GeoNetCast Chronic Thematic Intervention Areas Stunting - Chronic Malnutrition
FAO Agriculture sector EWS Complementary nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions (Milk Matters) Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Seeds Emergency Interventions Cash for work – flood response Support to DRM ATF at federal and regional levels UNICEF Regional EPRP process and roll out of the DRM policy Child sensitive cash transfer pilots (Tigray, SNNP and possibly Oromia) Community Care Structures CMAM (curative nutrition) HEP programme, particularly EPI and PHC Community based WASH programmes (water supply, sanitation, hygiene) Access to education, especially for Adolescent girls Decentralised planning (woreda level planning) WFP Humanitarian relief food (35% caseload receiving CSB) Cash transfers in relief Targeted Supplementary Feeding R4 Insurance schemes for farmers (exploring livestock index based insurance) PSNP food transfers in Somali & Afar regions Chick-pea based ready to eat supplementary food initiative Acute Thematic Intervention Areas Wasting - Acute Malnutrition
Resilience Strategy Overview UNICEF, WFP and FAO are exploring complementary ways of working to achieve: improved food security & nutrition outcomes improved quality of support to the PSNP and GoE flagships
Plan for Action Policy Support: National Nutrition Programme (NNP) PSNP/HABP re-design DRM SPIF Social Protection policy NNP CRGE Integrate and Align: Joint analysis and planning in food security and nutrition Programmes aligned through joint area planning Develop a common results framework Complementary joint regional/ woreda systems strengthening Shared knowledge management - innovate, implement, learn, share A scale-up programme