2002 Series Closeout Campaign
Central campaign strategy –Engaging and equipping messengers Keeps messages authentic and from within the community Avoids costly and wasteful national advertising for greater efficiency –This audience in particular tunes out most ads, assumes they aren’t meant for them Empowering Messengers 2
Your future is calling. By completing the GED ® test, you can answer the call. Complete the GED ® test by the end of 2013, and then go on to college, a better job, the respect you deserve, and the accomplishment of earning your high school diploma. Campaign Message 3
Collateral Material
Short Code Direct subscribers to local information about Official GED Testing Centers™ Provide mobile updates about the test closeout Collateral Material
Be encouraging, positive Example: If you’ve already started the GED ® test, you’re almost there. Relay important campaign messages Example: If you finish the GED ® test now, you won’t have to repeat the sections you’ve already passed. Direct GED ® test-takers to more information Example: We’re here to help you. Even with your busy schedule, you can prepare, plan, and succeed at taking the GED ® test. Talking Points 7
Keep all messages hopeful, encouraging, and focused on positive outcomes. Help GED ® test-takers see that they’re almost there, and that finishing the GED ® test is doable. Relay that finishing the GED ® test is a small step to a bigger opportunity. Communicating Effectively 8
DON’Ts DON’T use scare tactics or talk about consequences. Focus on opportunities. DON’T forget to remind them about the closeout deadline. DON’T be afraid to repeat yourself. DOs DO highlight that they’re almost there. With just one more small step, they can grasp a big opportunity. DO remember that YOU have the power to inspire someone to dream bigger. DO help them understand what they need to do and by when in order to finish before the cut-off date. Dos and Don’ts 9
Campaign messages and talking points Posters and handouts to hang or distribute in your GED ® testing center(s) National press release announcing the 2002 Series Closeout Template media materials (press release and PSA script) that you can customize for your community Template outreach materials ( , letter, and phone script) that you can customize for your own communications Outreach Tools 11
National press release Web landing page National partnership framework –National orgs with state/local affiliates Mobile phone short code and texting Facebook advertising and dedicated tab National Outreach Tactics 12
Reach out to local affiliates of national partners Send the national press release to your local news outlet Ask local radio stations to produce the campaign PSA script Leverage social media networks and channels Point local website to national landing page Develop local partnerships and distribute materials –Public libraries –Adult education centers; unemployment offices –Community, health, and day-care centers –Public service centers and public transportation hubs Tell everyone you encounter about the close-out! Local Outreach Tactics 13
Contact Latanya Overby Director, GED® Testing Program (404) Janice Tarleton GED® Chief Examiner Southern Crescent Technical College (770) Questions and Comments 14