Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR interventions in Asia and Pacific An initiative of the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP)
Structure of the presentation 1.Why this initiative? 2.What have we achieved till date? 3.Are we moving towards the expected outcomes ?
1. Why this initiative?
Why this initiative? The Delhi Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction (Nov 2007) : – Request the regional stakeholders to work together more closely towards greater coherence and harmonization of their efforts as a generic point of entry for enhanced regional cooperation; – Call upon the ISDR Asia Partnership to improve exchange and the mapping of regional disaster reduction initiatives of various stakeholders…
Why this initiative? IAP members with support from ADB started this initiative on ‘Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR interventions in Asia and Pacific’.. To develop a system which will help in achieving: – Greater coherence and better coordination at regional level – Support in periodic progress reviews and reporting processes at regional and sub-regional levels – Prioritizing deliverables- improved planning and programming of DRR Interventions, assist donors and decision makers to channel resources
2. What have we achieved till date?
What have we achieved till date An online system ( project has been developed Captures information on DRR projects and programmes (past/on going/planned) Scope limited to regional projects and programmes
Features of the DRR project portal are DRR Project List for Asia and the Pacific – View project List – Search projects – View project details – Export to Excel – Follow links to organisations and donors DRR Frameworks – View Roadmaps, Strategies and Plans – Download relevant documents DRR Regional Organisations – View regional organisation list and details – View list of regional Meetings, Committees, Forums and Networks Easy to use Free to register and use your own ‘My Page’
Project Analysis Graphs -View graphs -Choose filters -Change axes -Download graph as image Maps -View project numbers -Follow links to project details -Select and view risk layers (i.e. cyclone risk, earthquake frequency etc.) Matrix Reports -Choose filters to compare coverage of projects, hazards, themes, organisations, donors etc. Features of the DRR project portal are
Establishing linkages with Global and Regional DRR Knowledge Management Portals and contributing to them by adding information on DRR Projects National DRR Knowledge Management Portal and contributing by providing information on National DRR Projects Internal Portals of partner organizations – ensuring the projects entered in their portal is imported to the DRR project portal Regional portals on specific themes such as CCA and ensuring projects common to CCA and DRR are shared between both the portal Create ownership Will increase usage Better dissemination of information Long term sustainability
Linkage with : Asia-Pacific Gateway for DRR & Development Gateway acts as a knowledge platform specifically on information related to DRR and Development Projects entered into DRR Project Portal on different sectors are linked under the various themes (sectors and issue) identified by the Gateway The two systems do not duplicate each others functions, but have been linked to strengthen its objective
Linkage with: ASEAN DRR Portal Currently under development by the ASEAN Secretariat, the ASEAN DRR Portal is intended to serve the knowledge management need for all ASEAN countries The Portal has one section on DRR Projects in ASEAN region and this section is directly linked with the DRR Project Portal
Linkage with: IFRC Internal Project Database Internal IFRC database and resource mapping system under development to record all IFRC projects and resources Being developed with the same software and operating system as the DRR Project Portal for compatibility DRR Project Portal will be automatically updated with Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ DRR projects as entered onto internal IFRC database
Linkage with: Climate Change Adaptation Web Portal Climate Change Adaptation Web Portal already has a section on CCA related projects Currently linkage is being established to ensure the CCA related projects with DRR sub-theme to be imported to the DRR Project Portal Similarly, DRR Projects with CCA sub- theme captured in the DRR Project Portal will be exported to the Climate Change Adaptation Web Portal
Links to DRR Project Portal on following websites ADB ADPC ADRC Climate Change Adaptation Web Portal Duryog Nivaran Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) Pacific Disaster Net (PDN) PreventionWeb UN-HABITAT Pakistan
Linking at national level in selected countries Five pilot countries for developing similar DRR project information system at national – Philippines/ Sri Lanka/Vietnam/Indonesia/Fiji/Vanuatu Chosen based on expression of interest from countries at IAP meetings, diversity of geographic and population size, with and without existing DRR knowledge management (KM) systems, and regional location National DRR Project Portal development to be led by respective countries, in consultation with national stakeholders, fitted within the overall DRR KM need of the country and closely linked to the regional project portal to maximize usage
Progress in the Philippines Being led by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Initial consultation meeting held with NDRRMC members in Manila on 22 nd July 2011 to scope out the national system – How does it fit within the overall information/KM need of DRR in the country, link with NDRRMC website – How does it meets the functions of NDRRMC to coordinate sharing of DRR information in the country as well as monitor progress on DRR implementation in the country – How well to link with existing 3 W system in the country led by UNOCHA (on response)
Progress in Sri Lanka Being led by Disaster Management Center (DMC) of Ministry of Disaster Management Initial national consultation (27 July, 2011) held as part of monthly meeting National Disaster Management Council Meeting to discuss the scope of such proposed national DRR database/system – Where does this fit within the recently revamped information portal of DMC as well as link to the SAARC KM Portal (SKDN), which has country pages for each of the countries from South Asia – How to design a system which can be led and maintained by DMC in the long run – How well to link with existing 3W system (led by UNOCHA) as well as other databases developed in the country such as DESINVENTAR
Progress in Vietnam Led by Disaster Management Center (DMC) and being developed as component of CCFS website and as part of national DRR information needs of the country National Consultation workshop held with DMC and other DRR stakeholders in Hanoi on 8 th August 2011 Existing systems in the country where National DRR Project Portal might fit… Content -News -Events -Legal documents -Programs – projects -Publications -Disaster database -Directory -Disaster Reduction Activities -Gov., NGO and Donor reports -Vacancies and training Other - Vietnamese and English
Initial discussion with Indonesia Indonesia already have a well developed and functioning 3 W system Preliminary discussion with BNPC and with UNDP and UNOCHA in Indonesia on linking existing system with regional DRR portal as well as embedding it within the overall national information on DRR information management
Link with Myanmar Information Management Unit Disaster Risk Reduction section of the Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) has one section on DRR projects in Myanmar and this section gets data directly from the DRR Project Portal filtered to show only projects in Myanmar Includes a link for inputting projects which then directs to the DRR Project Portal
3.Are we moving towards expected outcomes ?
Some statistics on DRR Project Portal shows increase use, more project information being populated in the system > 780 DRR projects > 90 DRR frameworks > 4,800 visitors (since launch in Oct. 2010) Nearly 300 registered use But does this mean we are moving towards outcomes?
Let us look at what the 2 nd AMCDRR called for 24
2 nd AMCDRR called for a system that will help in Regular reporting of information on regional DRR initiatives for achieving coherence and better coordination 25 DRR Project Portal developed and maintained by a partnership based approach (namely IAP) has provided a neutral platform for sharing information on regional projects being undertaken in Asia and the Pacific in a standardized format.
2 nd AMCDRR called for a system that will help in Support in periodic progress reviews and reporting processes at regional and sub- regional levels 26 Links have been established with larger DRR knowledge platform of sub-regional organisations such as ASEAN, SAARC and SOPAC- these agencies are also mandated with preparing periodic biennial HFA Progress Report at a sub-regional level, the project information captured in the Portal would help these agencies to develop the Progress Reports
2 nd AMCDRR called for a system that will help in Prioritizing deliverables- improved planning and programming of DRR Interventions, assist donors and decision makers to channel resources 27 ?
Discussion 28
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