And will you succeed? Yes indeed. Yes indeed, Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed” ~Dr. Seuss Live from Room 120 August 19-23 Mrs. Quattrocchi.


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Presentation transcript:

And will you succeed? Yes indeed. Yes indeed, Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed” ~Dr. Seuss Live from Room 120 August Mrs. Quattrocchi West Newton Elementary Voic ext 1120 Oh the things we’ll learn in... Reading: We will be reading the story “The Storm” We will be continuing practice with the Spelling and Word Work stations, as well as talking about possessive nouns. The kids did really well with nouns last week! Spelling: The spelling list for this week will be 10 words! The words will be all following the short i pattern, a review from last week, and 2 vocab words from last week. The list is: if, is, him, rip, fit, pin, sat, man, play, help Math: We will be wrapping up our first chapter in math this week! Our first Math test will be on Friday. We will be doing lots of review this week to prepare for it Our Learning Objectives for this week: Reading: I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization and punctuation, and spelling when writing. I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. I can ask and answer questions about key details in a text. I can identify a noun as a person, place, or thing. I can participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and text with peers and adults in small and large groups. I can demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. I can read a text and relay information that is pertaining to the text. Math: I can count to 120 starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numeral sand represent a number of objects with a written numeral. I can identify and draw tally marks. I can count by 5’s. Home Practice: spelling words, re-telling stories that have been read, counting by 1s, days of the week and the months of the year, counting by 5’s to 100. Specials For this Week Monday: Technology Tuesday: Library Wednesday : PE Thursday: Art Friday : Music This week in the news …. We will begin taking the NWEA test this week. This is a computerized test that each child takes. ATTENDANCE is super important this week so that we can ensure all tests are taken! We are going to start having a snack around 10:00 each day. We have long mornings and it helps give the kids a small brain break to keep them going. If you would like to make a donation of goldfish, animal crackers, or pretzels, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you We have taken a practice Reading Comprehension test today on the story “What is a Pal?” This will continue each week, only we will give the test on Friday. It will be over the story. The green reader will go home on Tuesdays for your child to read the story of the week and fill out the YIPPEE slip. I call table by table to put the books immediately in their backpacks after we read them together so they hopefully won’t forget them. We are going to finish up practicing our stations this week and begin them next week! “ The more you read, the more things you’ll know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ~Dr. Seuss This week’s All About Me Student: Xander Diguilio This week’s Student of the Week Jacob Prasuhn Spring Break is finally here! Happy Spring! If you have read this newsletter, please sign the coupon below. Cut it out and return it on Tuesday and your child will receive a treat! _____________________________