Skidmore Department of Campus Safety Special Programs Orientation
Background Staff 17 Full Time 12 Part Time 24/7/365 Experience Hundreds of Years Experience Complimentary Backgrounds
Emergency Contact Info Campus Safety Office – 24/7/365 X5566. Emergency Numbers – We answer and will know your location 911 – SSPD answers and will have to call us for location Cellular 911 – NYSP Answers & calls SSPD
Services Escorts CPR/AED Training Battery Jump Start Operation ID Bike Registration Defensive Driving Training Fire & Personal Safety Programs “TIPS” Line (8477) “SNOW” Line (7669) Safety Alerts Student Patrol Mounted Patrol Community Policing Skidmore Urgent Notification System
“TIPS” &”SNOW” Lines “8477”“7669”
Emergency Information Blue Safety Lights – throughout campus AED Units – Sports Center, Dining Hall, Case Cntr – Gannett lobby, Campus Safety Elevators Emergency phones should work during power outages We call to check Refuge Areas (See sign) Located by stairwells – go into stairwell Go there if you can’t get down stairs Call Campus Safety if possible Siren Alert System – Mounted on library Tone followed by Message STOP! Listen! Something is Happening!! Evacuation Chairs Used by trained personnel DO NOT TAMPER WITH! Locations: Tower, JKB, Palamountain, Library
Know the location of fire alarms and practice using your fire exit DO NOT tamper with fire alarms or extinguishers. (IT’S A CRIME) Keep flammable materials away from all heat sources DO NOT overload electrical circuits DO NOT smoke in bed DO NOT store any highly combustible material in you room Halogen lamps are prohibited Candles, incense and open flames are prohibited. Fire Safety Tips
THINK… and DON’T PANIC FEEL THE DOOR FOR HEAT: If the metal knobs or door are hot: DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR: Go to a window and call for help DO NOT JUMP: o ur doors and walls are fire rated to survive a lone time KEEP LOW TO THE GROUND: T here is more fresh air If you CAN exit your room: C lose the door behind you, pull a fire alarm if you pass one and go to the predetermined roll call location. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS to exit a building. What To Do In The Event Of A Fire
Siren/Audio Emergency System Siren mounted on roof of Library Extreme Emergency Situations Tornado Warning Dangerous Haz Mat Spill Armed Intruder One Tone Followed by Audio Message Listen for message
Skidmore Urgent Notification (SUN) System If you want to receive important text messages while here: Take out your cell phone and you will be given a code (insert here) to text to: You will receive a reply text “To complete your signup, text YES” Reply with the text “YES” and you will receive a confirmation text We will send you a test message shortly – if you don’t receive one contact Lori during business hours at We will remove you from the list once you leave campus If you don’t have texting as a feature or no phone or don’t want to participate we are asking for other group members to relay any info to you
Crime Triangle Ability DesireOpportunity If any of the points to the triangle are removed, a crime cannot occur – You can remove Opportunity by locking doors and being aware of surroundings
Do Travel in groups when possible Become familiar with surroundings Lock your doors & carry your keys at all times Report loss immediately Use Designated Drivers Produce your ID when requested Stay in well lighted areas Lock your vehicles at all times Have a plan & Let others know it Use positive peer pressure on others Keep a record of important info – credit cards, serial numbers, etc.
Safety Alerts These will be posted on buildings
Health Services – X5550 Location: Jonsson Tower- 1 st Floor Hours: Mon – Fri 9AM – 3PM (closed 11:30A – 12P for lunch) Treat minor illness or injury Staffing: Initial Evaluation by RNs Nurse Practioner, Doctor available for consultation Emergency Situations Campus Safety X5566 After hours & weekends Wilton Medical Arts Urgent Care Cntr. ( ) or Saratoga Hospital ER ( )
Rabies Information What is rabies and how do people get it? An infectious viral disease that affects the nervous system Caused from a bite of an animal with rabies. Any wild mammal, such as a raccoon, skunk, fox, coyote or bat can have rabies and transmit it to people. Small rodents, such as squirrels, rats, mice, hamsters and chipmunks, are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to cause rabies in humans How to protect yourself? Prevent bats from entering living quarters – do not leave doors propped open or open unscreened windows. What to do if come in contact or are bitten? Wash the affected area thoroughly and get medical attention. If possible, contain the bat by closing all windows and doors and call Campus Safety immediately at ext So, if you awaken and find a bat in your room, contact Campus Safety because the animal must be captured to test…or you will need treatment.