Breanna Thompson
19 years old Successful student at Navarro University Average American student.
Attended a Frat Party Over a span of 2 hours consumed 10 to 17 vodka shots Alcohol level 0.45% 0.37% past the.08% legal limit Found dead a few hours later at her boyfriend’s apartment.
A colorless volatile flammable liquid that is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel. In the US, a standard drink is a drink that 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol.
Ethanol Made by fermenting carbohydrates, such as sugars or starches. Yeast-a commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells; used to raise the dough in making bread and for fermenting beer or whiskey Combinations are endless.
Alcohol has various affects on each person..02% -lightheaded.25% - no emotions, numb.05%- warm and relaxed.35%-apnea may occur.08%-legal limit.40%-coma.10%- lack physical coordination. Legally drunk.15%-blackouts(memory loss).20%- vomiting
Alcohol effects everyone differently. Weight Age Alcohol Tolerance
Affected differently. Women have more body fat. Tend to absorb 30% more alcohol into their system than men. Men and women of the same height and weight do not absorb alcohol the same. Women recover from alcohol faster.
Neurological health problems(dementia, stroke) Liver diseases( Cirrhosis, Alcoholic hepatitis)
Tested 25 people between the ages of Asked 7 basic questions.
What is the legal alcohol limit? Will eating a meal before drinking keep you from getting intoxicated? What blood alcohol percentage will cause a coma or even death? On an average night of drinking do you become intoxicated? Are men and women affected the same way by alcohol? What age is the average age of a DUI offender?
Alcohol isn’t a bad thing. Can be fun-when used in moderation. Know your limit.