Louisianas First Choice for College Access State Programs Update LASFAA 2009 Fall Conference New Orleans, LA
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE LASFAC Advisory Committee Emily London-Jones, Chair LSU System Kathy Woods SU System Roger Vick University of LA System Lynette Viskozki LAICU System Calaundra Brown LCTCS System Deanna Cooper Graduate/Professional John Sarpy Proprietary Schools Shannon Guillory (non-voting) LASFAA
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE Recent TOPS Changes Added a new category of Qualified Summer Semester (Student must have earned 60 hrs and be advised about term usage) Intersession between Spring and Summer Semester/Term is now included in Academic Year Student may now start college in LA, transfer to eligible out of state college, return, and have award reinstated.
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE $24.226MAppropriated $26.43MBilled $ 2.20MRegents $.43MAbsorbed by institutions 99.8%Institution made Whole GO GRANT
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE GO GRANT Major Changes Award Amounts $200 - $2000 Award Amount = ECG LBCC is set based on prior year and any approved tuition increases (%).
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE Early Start $4M Appropriated $7.3M Billed $3.3M Absorbed by institutions 73,808 Credit Hours Earned 17,452 Students Dually Enrolled 7146 Four Year Public 5131 LA Technical College 5130 LCTCS Campus 45 LAICU Institutions
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE Early Start Changes Must pass course with C or better to re-enroll Limit payment to 3 credit hours per semester Must be 12 th grade to take Developmental Class
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE LEAP/SLEAP Last year for SLEAP Grants for Access and Persistence (GAP) Federal Appropriation will determine states allocation – Louisiana = $500,000 Student Eligibility (2 out of 3) Zero EFC Qualify for States maximum LEAP Grant Participated in Early Awareness Program Partnerships (All) Postsecondary Institutions College Access/Outreach Programs Philanthropic or Private Corporation
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE Landscape Changes and Challenges LOSFA/Board of Regents Postsecondary Review (Tucker) Commission 2010 LA Legislative Session SAFRA (HR 3221) Senate HELP Bill New Program – Grants for Access and Persistence
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE LOSFA OUTREACH SERVICES Financial Literacy for You (FLY) College Knowledge Trailblazers Persist College Goal Sunday Loan Education and Default Prevention
STATE PROGRAMS UPDATE Reaching Out for More LA Scholarship Clearinghouse LA College Access Program Clearinghouse Expanded Student Updates to Promote Access and Persistence
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Louisianas First Choice for College Access
Contact Information LOSFA 1885 Wooddale Boulevard Baton Rouge, LA x1012