8 th PreAP and 8 th Grade Math Introduction: Mrs. Janet Chandler
Supplies Notebook paper (re-supply during year) pencils (re-supply during year) Map pencils or markers Dry erase marker Graph paper Checking pen or pencil Folder Box of Tissues Pen is not to be used to do math assignments
Grades Major Grades: All tests and major projects will be averaged each six weeks. This is 60% of the six weeks grade. Daily Grades: All daily grades will be averaged each six weeks and are 40% of the six weeks grade. Daily work includes quizzes and minor projects. Homework grades: will be added to an assignment as extra credit.
If your son/daughter has a “blank” space in the grade book, DO NOT be alarmed. This just means that he/she may have been absent, the teacher has not yet graded his/her work, or he/she has additional time to complete. If an assignment is late it will appear as “missing” and a default grade of zero will automatically be averaged into the overall grade. This is the BEST way to keep up with your students progress.
McGraw Hill Real Numbers Chapter 1 lessons 4-8 Equations and Inequalities Chapter 6 Lessons 3-6 Similarities and Dilations Chapter 2 Lessons 1-4 The First Six Weeks
Testing and Second Chances In order to retake a test to improve upon his/her grade a student MUST do the following: 1.Complete Test Corrections on a separate sheet of paper and must be completed for homework on the same day that it was returned to the student. This is for review and is required. 2.Attach the corrections to the original test. 3.Get a parent signature on the original test. 4.Return the Next Day 5.Retest will be distributed and students will have one night to complete for homework. 6.The average of the two scores will be the students replacement grade.
Homework will be assigned each evening in PreAp classes and on Monday and Wednesdays in all other classes. Students should write all assignments in their T-Wolf Tracker DAILY. Homework will be counted as extra credit and points will be added to a grade. Late work will be accepted; however, points will be deducted accordingly.
I will try to check several times during the school day and will answer a.s.a.p. Please be sure to include your child's name in the subject line of the . Thanks! Phone: Feel free to leave a message on my voic at I will try to return your call within 24hrs. Conference Period If you would like to arrange a conference, please keep in mind that my conference time is 2nd period each day. I am also available most days before or after school. Important Reminder If your message is an emergency, please call the main office number I may not get an or check my voic in time to relay a message prior to the end of the school day.
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