Healing Cards Most Demons can’t heal themselves, and some Demons even damage themselves. The best solution is a Special Attack that can heal. Energy Recursion is a popular choice. It can cheaply and effectively heal Demons, and it can also cure Infection. Superior Restorative can heal lots of Demons at once, but it’s an expensive trick, and it doesn’t heal the user. The best place to put Superior Restorative is the center of the hex, but the Demon in the center tends to get attacked the most. Energy Recursion 1 reflex 1 hand Special Attack: Any Demon Heal: Heals any Demon for 15 energy points. Antitoxin: Choose any Demon that is Infected. Remove the Infection. 1 Powerup.5 reflex 1 hand 1 Powerup Superior Restorative 4 reflex 2 hands Special Attack: Any Demon Healing Ring: Restores 15 EP to all Demons adjacent to the user of this attack. 3 Powerups
Healing Cards (cont’d) Rejuvenating Rings isn’t as cheap as Energy Recursion, but it’s still a popular choice because it heals larger amounts of damage. If one Demon has all the damage, Spin Rings can patch it up in a flash. If the damage is more spread out, Throw Rings will let you heal up to three different Demons for 10 EP each. Soul-Body Connection doesn’t heal the user’s EP, but it does get rid of Special Conditions. Conveniently enough, it relies on the Demon that is affected by those Conditions to cure them. Keep in mind, however, that 1-handed Demons can’t use Soul-Body Connection, so they need to be protected more carefully. Rejuvenating Rings 1 reflex 1 hand Special Attack: Any Demon Spin Rings: Heals this Demon for 15 EP. Flip a coin. If heads, heals 10 extra EP Throw Rings: Heals any Demon for 10 EP. Flip 2 coins. For each heads, heals another Demon for 10 EP. This attack can’t heal a single Demon for more than reflex 1 hand 2 Powerups Soul-Body Connection 2 reflex 2 hands Special Attack: Any Demon Restore: Removes all Special Conditions from this Demon. This attack can be used even while Stunned. 2 Powerups
Easter Egg Special Attack: Any Standard Demon Lucky Find: Draw a card. Thorough Hunt: Search your deck for a Standard Demon with a different name than the user, and summon it. If you can’t, this attack heals the user for all damage and removes all Special Conditions from the user. Shuffle your deck afterwards either way. 1 reflex 1 hand 3 reflex 1 hand 1 Earth Powerup1 Powerup Healing Cards (cont’d) Energy Comet is a more expensive way of healing something. It takes enough hands and reflex that, under normal circumstances, it takes an Essential or Ancient Demon to use it. On the other hand, it can get rid of up to 60 damage, so an Essential or Ancient Demon can benefit quite a bit from it. Regenerative Rune is another way of healing a group of Demons, but it can also be used to remove Tiredness if you have a Water Powerup on hand and an Essential or Ancient Demon to give it to. Energy Comet Special Attack: Any Essential or Ancient Demon Super Heal: Heals any Demon for 30 EP. Flip a coin. If heads, heals that Demon for 30 more EP. 4 reflex 3 hands 3 Powerups Regenerative Rune Special Attack: Any Demon Heal Burst: Heals all Demons in a small triangle for 10 EP. Invigorating Fumes: Heals all Demons in a diamond for 10 EP. Also, if any of the targets are Tired, remove the Tired condition. 2 reflex 1 hand 1 Powerup 5 reflex 3 hands 1 Water Powerup 2 Powerups
Faster Upgrades Sometimes a player finds himself or herself in a situation where all the cards they have are Standard Demons. Since winning is so much easier with Upgrades, these Special Attacks help make up for the bad luck of the draw. Gilded Shroud might only work once (since it shuffles itself into your deck), but just one Essential Demon can save your life in a bad situation. However, keep in mind that Gilded Shroud doesn’t work for 1-handed Demons. Azure Halo doesn’t get you an Essential Demon. It goes almost all the way, and gets you an Ancient Demon! However, Greater Upgrade is an expensive attack, so use it wisely! Gilded Shroud 2 reflex 2 hands Special Attack: Any Standard Demon Instant Upgrade: Search your deck for an Essential Demon that corresponds to this Demon, and put it into your hand. Shuffle Gilded Shroud into your deck. 2 Powerups Azure Halo 4 reflex 2 hands Special Attack: Any Essential Demon Greater Upgrade: Search your deck for an Ancient Demon that corresponds to this Essential Demon, and put it into your hand. Shuffle Azure Halo into your deck. 3 Powerups
Faster Upgrades (cont’d) It’s insane, but there’s a way to go further. Black Lightning is a riskier play than Gilded Shroud or Azure Halo, but it lets you get an Elder Demon. Gilded Shield is different from all the other upgrading Special Attacks. The most noteworthy difference is that it doesn’t upgrade your Standard Demons unless they’re right about to go down, but there are other differences. A one-handed Demon can still use Gilded Shield, and Gilded Shield returns to your hand when you make an upgrade with it. Of course, the effects of Counter-Upgrade stop working if you upgrade your Demon the regular way, but the normal approach lets you choose when your Demon upgrades instead of your opponent. Black Lightning 4 reflex 2 hands Special Attack: Any Ancient Demon Final Upgrade: Search your deck for an Elder Demon that corresponds to this Ancient Demon, and put it into your hand. Discard Black Lightning, and shuffle your deck. Flip a coin. If tails, deals 20 damage to every Ancient Demon you control. 4 Powerups Gilded Shield 3 reflex 1 hand Special Attack: Any Standard Demon Counter-Upgrade: When the user’s EP drop to (or below) 0, search your deck for an Essential Demon that corresponds to the user and upgrade the user immediately instead of discarding it. Shuffle your deck afterwards. 2 Powerups
Powerup Control Physical Attacks are a simple, popular way to fight, but if you get the wrong Powerups, then you’re in trouble. However, Special Attacks can help you out. Elemental Convergence is the most flexible way of getting the Powerups you need. It takes one of the Powerups that your Demons can use, but don’t revolve around, and trades it for one that fits your needs better. Better still, Emphasize Essence can discard the Powerup that you turned to use it, so you aren’t left completely powerless. Humidification is a more specialized card. It only turns Wind into Water, but it’s much better at what it does than Elemental Convergence is. Essential Earth Demons and Ancient Steam Demons use it the most. Elemental Convergence 0 reflex 0 hands Special Attack: Any Demon Emphasize Essence: Look at this Demon’s Secondary Element. Discard one Powerup of that element. Look at this Demon’s Primary Element. Search your deck for 1 Powerup of that element and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards. 1 Powerup Humidification 0 reflex 0 hands Special Attack: Any Demon Condense: Search your deck for a Water Powerup and put it into your hand. Shuffle a Wind Powerup into your deck. Precipitate: Unturn one of your Water Powerups. 1 Wind Powerup 0 reflex 0 hands 1 Wind Powerup
Powerup Control Like Humidification, Eruption is a specialized card. Since Fire Powerups are usually the ones that get discarded for powerful attacks, Eruption can be used to get them back, for the price of Rock Powerups. Magma Demons don’t usually discard Fire Powerups, but there are still ways to use Eruption, if you know what you’re doing. Eruption 0 reflex 0 hands Special Attack: Any Demon Flaming Crack: Take a Fire Powerup out of your Discard Pile and put it into your hand. Shuffle a Rock Powerup into your deck. Lava Flow: Unturn one of your Fire Powerups. 0 reflex 0 hands 1 Rock Powerup
Extra Attack Sometimes the Demons you have don’t quite do what you want. Most of them have Special Attacks of their own, but there are also Special Attacks that any Demon can use to get a different punch. Blazing Bolts will let any Demon at all use a Fire Powerup for some direct damage. It’s especially convenient if you get lots of Fire Powerups that can’t be used by your current Demons. Frozen Treasure works best with Demons that can draw cards, but even without them it can be used to double the cards a player draws at the start of their turn. Blazing Bolts Special Attack: Any Demon Laser: Deals 15 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, deals 5 extra damage. 1 reflex 1 hand 1 Fire Powerup Frozen Treasure Special Attack: Any Demon Thaw Draw: Flip the top 2 cards of your deck face-up. The next time you draw from your deck, add the face-up cards to your hand. 2 reflex 2 hands 1 Ice Powerup
Extra Attack (cont’d) Winds of Fate is built to take advantage of bad luck. Since Powerups are the least effective cards at turning a bad situation around, Preemptive Power not only uses them to quickly deal damage, but also shuffles the deck to try and change the user’s luck. Hope Draw doesn’t give the player a card right away, but that one extra card can be a big help in a bad situation. Winds of Fate Special Attack: Any Demon Preemptive Power: Show your opponent the top 4 cards of your deck. Deals 20 damage for each Powerup revealed this way. Shuffle your deck afterwards. 0 reflex 2 hands 1 Powerup 3 reflex 2 hands 1 Wind Powerup 2 Powerups Hope Draw: Flip the top card of your deck face- up. The next time you draw from your deck, add the face-up card to your hand.