Jeopardy GrammarE.A. Poe 1The Veil Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Devil&TomE.A. Poe 2
$100 Question from Grammar Winning this game is ideal.
$100 Answer from Grammar What is a GERUND PHRASE Recall that a gerund is a word ending in “-ing” and acts as a noun in the sentence.
$200 Question from Grammar Ms. Poole, a student teacher at Christiansburg High School, is graduating on May 15th from Virginia Tech!
$200 Answer from Grammar What is an APPOSITIVE PHRASE Recall that an appositive phrase gives extra information about the subject of the sentence.
$300 Question from Grammar The lost puppy was found down the street from our house. *be very specific with your answer…
$300 Answer from Grammar What is an ADVERB PHRASE Recall that an adverb phrase is a prepositional phrase that describes a verb and answers the questions “How?” “Where?” and “Where?”
$400 Question from Grammar Trying to win the game, students raced to answer the questions correctly.
$400 Answer from Grammar What is a PARTICIPLE PHRASE Recall that a participle phrase is a verb ending in “-ing” that isn’t the main verb of the sentence but rather explains what the noun is doing.
$500 Question from Grammar Ms. Poole loves using her Mac with cool applications. *be specific with your answer…
$500 Answer from Grammar What is an ADJECTIVE PHRASE Recall that an adjective phrase is used to describe a noun and answers the questions “Which one?”
$100 Question from E.A. Poe 1 “…while I pondered weak and weary ” from “The Raven” *think literary device…
$100 Answer from E.A.Poe 1 What is ALLITERATION
$200 Question from E.A.Poe 1 The Raven perches on this mythical Goddess symbolizing its “prophetic” message.
$200 Answer from E.A.Poe 1 What is THE BUST OF PALLAS
$300 Question from E.A.Poe 1 In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” this symbolizes Roderick Usher’s “cadaverous” behavior and Madeline Usher’s “cataleptic” gaze.
$300 Answer from E.A.Poe 1 What are the VACANT EYE LIKE WINDOWS
$400 Question from E.A.Poe 1 This feature on the house symbolizes the decline of the Usher Family.
$400 Answer from E.A.Poe 1 What is the FISSURED, COLLAPSING MANSION
$500 Question from E.A.Poe 1 Roderick Usher paints this, foreshadowing a very important event in “The Fall of the House of Usher.”
$500 Answer from E.A.Poe 1 What is the PAINTING OF THE VAULT
$100 Question from Devil&Tom A commonly used nickname for the Devil.
$100 Answer from Devil&Tom What is “OLD SCRATCH”
$200 Question from Devil&Tom Tom does this in order to cheat his way out of the deal with the Devil.
$200 Answer from Devil&Tom What is GO TO CHURCH
$300 Question from Devil&Tom Tom Walker as an “evil” broker symbolizes this according to Washington Irving.
$300 Answer from Devil&Tom What is THE DEVIL OF SOCIETY
$400 Question from Devil&Tom Washington Irving uses this to symbolize the contrast between the religious front Tom Walker puts up versus his greedy demeanor behind closed doors.
$400 Answer from Devil&Tom What is THE BIBLE UNDER MORTAGE PAPERS
$500 Question from Devil&Tom These are the conditions of the deal made between Tom and the Devil.
$100 Question from The Veil This is how the towns people react when they first see Mr. Hooper’s black veil.
$100 Answer from The Veil What is THEY ARE CONFUSED AND FEARFUL
$200 Question from The Veil This is what Mr. Hooper is trying to prove or symbolize by wearing the black veil (which is opposite of what the towns people actually think).
$200 Answer from The Veil What is HE IS OPEN ABOUT HIS SINFUL NATURE (The town thought he had sins he wished to hide)
$300 Question from The Veil This is what the parishioners feel when Mr. Hooper gives his sermon on concealed sin.
$300 Answer from The Veil What is THEY FEEL HE IS LOOKING INTO THEIR SOUL
$400 Question from The Veil Elizabeth feels she should know about Mr. Hooper’s veil because of this reason.
$400 Answer from The Veil What is SHE IS ENGAGED TO MR. HOOPER
$500 Question from The Veil Mr. Hooper would likely say everyone wears a black veil because of this reason.
$500 Answer from The Veil What is HE BELIEVES EVERYONE IS SINFUL
$100 Question from E.A.Poe 2 This is what causes the deaths of people across the country in “The Masque of the Red Death”
$100 Answer from E.A. Poe 2 What is A TERRIBLE DISEASE/BLACK PLAGUE
$200 Question from E.A. Poe 2 This is how Prince Prospero protects his friends.
$200 Answer from E.A. Poe 2 What is HE LOCKS THEM IN HIS HOME
$300 Question from E.A. Poe 2 This is what happens at the end of the party in “The Masque of the Red Death.”
$300 Answer from E.A. Poe 2 What is EVERYONE DIES FROM THE RED DEATH
$400 Question from E.A. Poe 2 This is what the narrator realizes from Madeline’s gaze in the coffin in “The Fall of the House of Usher.” *There are two potential answers for this…
$400 Answer from E.A. Poe 2 What is RODERICK AND MADELINE ARE TWINS What is MADELINE WAS BURIED ALIVE (realized later on)
$500 Question from E.A. Poe 2 This is the disease/sickness that is alluded to in “The Raven.”
$500 Answer from E.A. Poe 2 What is CONSUMPTION OR TEBURCULOSIS
Final Jeopardy This quote refers to this person: “…the death, then, of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world – and equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover. ”
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is VIRGINIA