Revelation #6 The Seven Trumpets chps.8-9
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 In our last lesson couple of lessons we saw: >The Throne Scene with God Almighty on the His throne; and Jesus, the Lion/Lamb of Judah who was found worthy to break the seven seals and open the book of God. >The first Six Seals were opened followed by Silence in Heaven for 1/2 hour.
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 In today’s lessons: >The Seventh of these Seals is added >It is the Seven Trumpets And with these Trumpets, come Woes: -upon Nature, 8:6-12 -upon Mankind himself, 9:1-12 -from Wars (external sources), 9:13-21 These seem to represent the contributing factors to Rome’s decline & fall.
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 I. The first four Trumpets pronounce Woes upon Nature, 8:6-12 A. The First Trumpet- 1/3 of the Earth Burned, v.7 Judgment is only partial (1/3) indicating that these woes are warning calls to repentance rather than God’s wrath being poured out in judgment. B. The Second Trumpet- 1/3 of the Sea becomes blood, vv.8-9 What seems to be a volcano is thrown into the sea causing blood; 1/3 creatures & ships lost.
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 I. The first four Trumpets pronounce Woes upon Nature, 8:6-12 C. The Third Trumpet- 1/3 of the Rivers and Springs Poisoned, vv “Wormwood” shows that not only the Earth and the Sea are affected, but also the fresh waters of the Earth. This cause death for many. D. The Fourth Trumpet- 1/3 of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Darkened, v.12 Like Egypt’s ninth plague, darkness prevails to remind man of his helplessness, Acts 17:28.
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 These first four Trumpets symbolize natural calamities sent as a warning to repent. Now the emphasis seems to turn to man’s own role in the downfall of the wicked. Historians agree that 3 major factors contributed to Rome’s demise: 1. Natural Calamity 2. Internal Rottenness &3. Outside Invasion These 3 seem to be symbolized first with these trumpets; then with bowls of wrath. cf. v.13
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 II. The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets turn to mankind’s role in the downfall of the wicked. A. The Fifth Trumpet- the Scourge of Locusts, 9:1-12 >a star falls from heaven- Satan, v.1 >with his key (authority), he opens the bottomless pit (the depravity of man) releasing locusts who eat not their natural food but sting like scorpions those w/o God’s seal upon them, vv.2-5 >the torment lasts five months (limited period) >men will prefer death to the torment, v.6
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 Note the appearance of the Locusts: (vv.7-11) -like war-horses > strong -crowns on their heads > victorious -faces like men > human (from among us?) -hair like women > beauty -teeth like lions > devouring -breastplates of iron > invincible -wings sound like chariots > multitude -tails like scorpions and their King is Abbadon > Destroyer
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 II. The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets turn to mankind’s role in the downfall of the wicked. B. The Sixth Trumpet- Army from Euphrates, 9: trumpet sounds and 4 angels released from River Euphrates with 200,000,000 strong army to kill 1/3 of mankind, vv three plagues were used (fire, smoke, brimstone) to kill 1/3 of mankind, vv But, “the rest of mankind…did not repent” ! vv.20-21
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 Conclusions Remember the 3 factors which caused Rome to fall: >Natural disaster >Internal Rottenness >External Invasion Now notice the 3 types of Woes of Warning: >Woes upon Nature >Wormwood causes the Poison and Darkness of Man >Euphrates Army of 200,000,000
Revelation #6- The Seven Trumpets, chps. 8-9 And yet even with these warnings from God, Rome did not heed either the natural disasters sent her way to correct the internal corruption which weakened her. These factors made her ripe for the invasion of the Parthians who conquered her. So what? Rome was persecuting to the death Christians of the first century. She seemed invincible. But God, through these visions, was showing the coming answer to the prayers of the martyrs, cf.6:10.