FUN HOME {PART 2} discussion by dolphin
Looking Outside the Pages When I was in the 3rd grade I thought that I was gay Cause I could draw, my uncle was And I kept my room straight I told my mom, tears rushing down my face She's like, "Ben, you've loved girls since before Pre-K!" Tripping, yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she? A bunch of stereotypes all in my head I remember doing the math, like "Yeah, I'm good at little league" A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant For those that like the same sex had the characteristics… {Same Love by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis}
Bonds Between Blogs Gender roles in society What do they really mean? Matter? Contrast occurring in life “No life without death” The creek running clear because of pollution Suppression Pain & Suffering Living a 2-sided life Hiding secrets
Activity We will be exploring gender roles. How society affects the personality of people Different characteristics rise due to “gender tradition.” Just because you have a trait that might traditionally fall under the opposite sex’s “category,” does not mean you are homosexual.
Activity contd. The steps: Discuss the roles of a girl and a boy in their community, from birth to 20 years of age. Think about how boys and girls are expected to behave, how each is treated by society, the importance and value placed on the individual, etc. You will be drawing 2 images Each person make a cartoon or image depicting a particular trait that seems to be “forced upon” the opposite gender. Also create a cartoon of a trait you have or you know someone has suppressed or kept hidden because they feared rejection. Combine the cartoons at random on a sheet of paper to symbolize the freedom we have or should have to follow our passions whether or not they fit under the umbrella of society’s rules.
Q & A
“ It is strange how we can define objects of our reality, as we often prefer to do, by describing what we are not as opposed to what we are. “ (Black Bear) Some of Bechdel’s issues with her father and herself spring from her strict, stereotypical definition of masculinity. Men shouldn’t like to garden or dress nicely and women should wear dresses and strive to be beautiful. (Hummingbird) Inspiration
How much does society affect one’s personality? Has it affected yours? Do you feel pressure to me “manly” or “girly?” How do you suggest someone develop in the modern world and not be influenced from societal rules?
Bechdel’s “reverse narration” validates this idea by showing us Bruce-the-monster before Bruce- the-human. She gives us an impression and then utterly destroys it. (Raven) Bruce made his daughter the way she was by giving her an example of what she didn't want for herself. (Timber wolf) Inspiration
What is meant by Bechdel’s statement and continued idea that “there is no life without death?” Do you have an example of a time when you saw contrast in your life – similar or not to Alison’s situation – Bruce was a deceitful man, yet was the ultimate support for his daughter…. ? How did Bruce’s suppressed emotions affect Alison and vice versa? In Alison’s situation, do you think her parents (or figurative lack there of) or society affected her character and sexual dilemma more?
Thanks for engaging, discussing, and being the best class ever! xoxo, Dolphin