Multifaceted Roles for Teachers: Learners and Facilitators in the EPICT School-based Training Model Leo Højsholt-Poulsen UNIC The Danish IT Centre for Education and Research Denmark
Open Classroom is Continued Professional Development of teachers in the pedagogical use of ICT in education. A comprehensive European standard? EPICT courses now run in Greece, Hungary and Italy supported by And in Norway (LærerIKT), Australia, United Kingdom, Ghana, Cameroon, Uganda and Denmark EPICT - The European Pedagogical ICT Licence
Open Classroom EPICT - The European Pedagogical ICT Licence No matter the various roles of the teachers It all boils down to these simple questions: What do we want the teachers to learn? How do they learn this? How do we evaluate/assess whether they have learned what they are supposed to? The professional development Distributed across the country via a distributed course organization (regional course providers) Applies E-learning, blended approach
Open Classroom The roles of the teachers The teachers are Learnerscolleagues/peers/teachers/innovators Facilitators trainers/tutors/coaches Developersof the content ICT guides at local school (guide the ‘learners’) Different roles – different competencies
Open Classroom Role of the course participant (learner) Participants work in teams Participants have highly different expectations to the course and its contents motivation ICT skills Participants are responsible for their own learning
Open Classroom The EPICT Syllabus Objectives Become self-assisted, self-confident Plan, design, develop, use, document learning scenarios that integrate ICT Evaluate, compile/build learning elements Choose the right methodology and learning resources for any given context and objective
Open Classroom We aim at EPICT – No fixed level of competence All teachers improve their competencies
Open Classroom The EPICT Syllabus Integrate ICT in teaching and learning The teacher needs competencies and skills at three different levels: –Handle the technology (e.g. perform functions on the PC, operate media tools) –Understand the technology (e.g. select the right tool in any given context and apply the relevant working methods and processes) –Reflect upon technology (e.g. assess and put into perspective, reflect upon consequences) All ICT skills with a pedagogical rationale
Open Classroom The syllabus Compulsory themes Use the computer as a personal tool and integrate it into teaching and learning activities Search and communicate using the Internet Use a word processor and guide students in process oriented writing Innovate and develop the school – ICT is an agent of change
Open Classroom The syllabus Optional themes (1) Layout own learning resources and student productions Understand and use digital images in own and student productions Prepare own digital presentations and assist students creating presentations Design and produce web pages and assist students
Open Classroom The syllabus Optional themes (2) Use spreadsheets Use internal databases in teaching and learning Use digital learning resources Apply new working methods and new tools Use ICT as a compensatory and supportive tool (in special needs education) Use computer games in teaching and learning
Open Classroom Facilitators Facilitators are one step ahead (of the participants) They must be able to –Remember ‘real life’ at schools –Know daily praxis, where the participant is to use her new competencies
Open Classroom Facilitators To become a facilitator you must be an experienced teacher within the relevant educational area be experienced in the use of ICT in teaching and learning have acquired the Pedagogical ICT Licence yourself (or similar competencies) have participated in the facilitators’ certification course
Open Classroom Facilitators - Relevant qualifications Mentored/guided colleagues on the pedagogical use of ICT Influenced the development and profile of your subject with respect to ICT integration Conducted a number of courses on ICT integration in one or more subjects Have a position as a pedagogical consultant on ICT integration
Open Classroom Facilitators - Relevant qualifications Been a pioneer and actively debated ICT integration Published educational resources or written articles about pedagogical ICT integration Managed development projects on innovative ICT integration NOT only qualified on ICT skills NOT only qualified on ICT pedagogic
Open Classroom Facilitators’ role(s) One or two facilitators Manage a course – both with respect to course participants and course provider Formulate subject specific and pedagogical issues inspiringly to a larger audience Discuss and communicate constructively Know well your subject theoretically, pedagogically and practically, especially on counseling, ICT and media Give qualified response on activities, ideas, drafts, assignments, collaboration and communication Moderate e-conferences
Open Classroom The European Pedagogical ICT Licence Want to discuss more? Please see And/or contact me at Or contact any of our partners in the EPICT Group –Lambrakis Foundation (LF) –University of Genova (DIST) –Eötvös Lorand University (ELTE)