Department of Response to Intervention Department of Learning Support Services
The AISD multi-tiered framework is supported by the tiered academic and behavioral plans. o o
*All students will perform at or above grade level *Achievement gaps among all students will be eliminated *All students will graduate ready for college, career, and life in a globally competitive economy *All schools will meet or exceed accountability standards and the district will meet federal standards and exceed state standards
The AISD RtI Framework Consists of Six Essential Components Supporting Academics and Behavior
The multi-tiered framework addresses the whole child including academic, behavioral, linguistic, social/emotional, cultural, and physical needs of all students.
1. High Quality, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Instruction
2. Multi-Level Prevention System using Evidence Based instruction/intervention aligned to data and student needs
3. Data-Based Decision Making Universal Screener Assessment Frequent Progress Monitoring
4. Problem solving process Problem solving teams Campus coaching model Campus based problem solving process (CST process)
5. Ongoing Professional Development with a focus on evidence based practices that are culturally and linguistically responsive.
6. Leadership, Family, and Community Support for the whole child
Multi-tiered preventative framework Tier I instruction includes high quality, research based curricula, and instructional and behavioral strategies that support the districts curriculum guidelines.
Academics Reading AIMSweb district-wide grades (3-8) TPRI/Tejas LEE- All students grades (K-2) C-PALS (Pre-K) Mathematics AIMSweb district-wide grades (3-8) TEMI (Texas Elementary Mathematics Inventory) grades (K-2)
Less than 80 % of the class is performing at or above expectation level… Then reevaluate core instruction and/or behavioral support. 1. Look at data ( universal screener, BOY- MOY, other) 2. Evaluate current data and align instructional/behavioral supports
Multi-tiered preventative framework Tier II offers supplemental instruction and behavioral support in addition to the standards based instruction received in Tier I.
PROBLEM BASED ON DATA/STUDENT PERFORMANCE NEXT STEPS Data Sources: Elementary CPALS, TPRI/Tejas LEE, AIMSweb, TEMI, eCST, DRA, Short Cycle, Teacher Observation, Anecdotal Records, Flynt/Cooter, BOY,MOY data Secondary AIMSweb, eCST, Short Cycle, Teacher Observation, Anecdotal Records, BOY,MOY data
Multi-tiered preventative framework Tier III instruction includes more explicit intervention that is focused on a specific skill need in academics and/or behavior.
PROBLEM BASED ON DATA/STUDENT PERFORMANCE NEXT STEPS Data Sources: Elementary CPALS, TPRI/Tejas LEE, AIMSweb, TEMI, eCST, DRA, Short Cycle, Teacher Observation, Anecdotal Records, Flynt/Cooter, BOY,MOY data Secondary AIMSweb, eCST, Short Cycle, Teacher Observation, Anecdotal Records, BOY,MOY data
All AISD are included within the RtI preventative framework. Each school has access to the essential components of the framework. 1.Culturally and linguistically responsive instruction 2.Multi-level prevention system using AISD CRMs and evidence based instruction and behavioral supports 3.On-going data decision supported by Universal screeners, progress monitoring instruments, and the problem solving process using problem solving teams, PLC’s and Child Study Team. 4.Professional development supporting evidence based academic and behavioral practices 5.Whole child/family support systems Tiered Academic Literacy and Numeracy Plan is an interactive resource on the RtI website
Continue to increase awareness and working knowledge of the key components comprising a multi-tiered preventative framework Support culturally and linguistically responsive instruction and behavioral practices Increase campus use of available universal screeners and progress monitoring instruments to create learning and behavioral trajectories to inform instruction Increase Social Emotional Learning support system and whole child supports to include family and community interaction Strengthen evidence based practices through ongoing professional development opportunities