RTI² Overview
Response to Intervention? RTI² is NOT......Just a special education initiative...Only for students with disabilities...Only for beginning reading...A way of reducing costs or eliminating special education or the LD category...This year’s reform or a short-term implementation based on “RTI in a Box”...A way to fix schools with weak core instruction
Response to Intervention is... A multi-tiered, layered instructional approach that identifies problems first, and then brings increasingly intense interventions to students who do not respond Making instructional decisions based on data Integrating multiple programs with general education Providing relevant data for SLD identification Primary goal: Improving academic outcomes for all students
Our transition to Common Core Standards is central to strengthening Tennessee’s competitiveness Source: “Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018” (The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce), 2011 NCES NAEP data, ACT Tennessee’s Competitiveness Only 21% of adults in TN have a college degree TN ranks 46 th in 4 th grade math and 41 st in 4 th grade reading nationally 54% of new jobs will require post- secondary education Only 16% of high school seniors in TN are college ready
What is RTI 2 ? A systematic and data-based method for addressing academic concerns: ◦identifying ◦defining & ◦resolving Brown-Chidsey & Steege (2010)
RTI 2 is a general education initiative…. Components of RTI 2 ◦ High-quality instruction ◦ Frequent assessment of academic skills ◦ Data-based decision making Brown-Chidsey & Steege (2010)
Problem Solving At each tier within RTI 2, a problem solving model is employed to make decisions Analyze the Results of Implementation Determine Next Steps Analyze the Assessment Plan Results Develop an Intervention Plan Define the Problem Develop an Assessment Plan Implement Plan Progress Monitor Problem Identification Problem AnalysisPlan Evaluation
Areas of Deficit Basic Reading Skills (letters, letter sounds, decode) Reading Comprehension Reading fluency Written expression Math calculation Math reasoning (problem solving)
TN RTI² Model
ALL students receive research-based, high quality, general education instruction that incorporates ongoing universal screening and ongoing assessment to inform instruction.
In addition to Tier I, interventions are provided to students that fall below the 25 th percentile on universal screening and are struggling academically. Research-based interventions will be provided to students within their specific area(s) of deficit. These students are progress monitored every other week using a tool that is sensitive to change in area of deficit and that provides a Rate of Improvement (ROI) specific to the individual deficit.
In addition to Tier I and Tier II, increasingly intensive interventions are provided to students that have not made significant progress in Tier II, are grade levels behind or are below the 10 th percentile. Research-based interventions will be provided to students within their specific area(s) of deficit. These students are progress monitored every other week using a tool that is sensitive to change in area of deficit and that provides a Rate of Improvement (ROI) specific to the individual deficit.
Based on Universal Screening results, all students fit one of these categories: Does NOT meet grade-level expectations Ready for grade-level instruction Exceeds advanced expectations Based on Universal Screening results, all students fit one of these categories: Does NOT meet grade-level expectations Ready for grade-level instruction Exceeds advanced expectations
Tier I – Core Instruction Should be meeting the needs of 80 – 85% of the students. High quality instruction Data-driven High quality prof. dev. And support Based on ongoing assessment, students will fit into one of three categories: Does not meet grade-level expectations Meets grade-level expectations Exceeds grade-level expectations Tier I – Core Instruction Should be meeting the needs of 80 – 85% of the students. High quality instruction Data-driven High quality prof. dev. And support Based on ongoing assessment, students will fit into one of three categories: Does not meet grade-level expectations Meets grade-level expectations Exceeds grade-level expectations
Tier II – Targeted Intervention Should be meeting the needs of 10-15% of the students. For struggling and advanced students Additional time High quality, matched to area of need Highly trained personnel 12 weeks minimum Based on progress monitoring, students will fit into one of two categories: Does not meet grade-level expectations Meets grade-level expectations Tier II – Targeted Intervention Should be meeting the needs of 10-15% of the students. For struggling and advanced students Additional time High quality, matched to area of need Highly trained personnel 12 weeks minimum Based on progress monitoring, students will fit into one of two categories: Does not meet grade-level expectations Meets grade-level expectations
Tier III – Targeted Intervention Should be meeting the needs of 3-5% of the students. For small % who have received Tier I and II Most intensive, matched to area of need Highly trained personnel 15 weeks minimum Based on progress monitoring, students will fit into one of two categories: Does not make significant progress Makes significant progress Tier III – Targeted Intervention Should be meeting the needs of 3-5% of the students. For small % who have received Tier I and II Most intensive, matched to area of need Highly trained personnel 15 weeks minimum Based on progress monitoring, students will fit into one of two categories: Does not make significant progress Makes significant progress
Consider possible need for Special Education referral after 22 weeks of intervention.
SLD Standards
Tier III Replacement Decisions/Special Education
Specific Learning Disabilities One of the Evaluation Standards for SLD: “The team must determine that underachievement is not primarily the result of: Visual, Motor or Hearing Disability Intellectual Disability Emotional Disturbance Cultural Factors Environmental or Economic Factors Limited English Proficiency Excessive Absenteeism (if more than 23%, must continue intervention until % improves)
General Guidelines
No intervention is effective if it does not involve the academic skill itself (must read, do math, and write) The longer intervention is delayed, the slower the response (on average) and the greater the need for intensity Intervention begins in the general education classroom Progress should be assessed at all levels The new TN RTI² Framework is scheduled to take effect July 1, 2014.
What is Required? Universal Screening Tier I Tier II and Tier III Progress Monitoring District and School RTI² Teams Fidelity of Implementation Parent Contact/Communication Highly Trained Personnel
RTI² Manual Universal Screening “The Universal Screening tool will be skills-based and provide national norms. It will be administered 3 times a year for grades K-8.”
RTI² Manual Tier I “Core instruction will be provided to ALL students using grade-level Common Core State Standards in ELA and Mathematics.”
RTI² Manual Tier II “Tiered interventions will be provided in addition to the core instruction provided at Tier I. Interventions will be research-based and will address a student’s area of deficit. They will be provided within the time frames described in the RTI² Manual.”
RTI² Manual Tier III “Students at this level receive daily, intensive, small group, or individual intervention targeting specific area(s) of deficit, which are more intense than interventions received in Tier II.”
RTI² Manual Progress Monitoring “Progress Monitoring will occur in the specific area of deficit at the frequency described in the RTI² Manual.”
RTI² Manual District and School RTI² Teams “District and School RTI² Teams will meet every 4.5 weeks at a minimum to make data-based decisions that inform instruction/ intervention.”
RTI² Manual Fidelity of Implementation “Fidelity monitoring is the systematic monitoring by a responsible instructional leader to determine the extent to which the delivery of an intervention adheres to the protocols or program models as originally developed.”
RTI² Manual Parent Contact/Communication “Parents will be notified of student progress. Parent contact is an essential component of RTI² and reinforces the culture of collaboration.”
RTI² Manual Highly Trained Personnel “Highly trained personnel will provide interventions. Highly- trained personnel are those who are adequately trained to deliver the selected intervention as intended with fidelity.”
Specific Situations
2 nd Grade Scenario According to his progress monitoring data, Cole, a 2 nd grade student, is not making the necessary gains in order to meet grade- level expectations by the end of the year,. He is receiving Tier II fluency intervention. At the November RTI² Support Team Meeting, what changes would you suggests to Cole’s instructional needs? TAKE TWO – TURN – AND TALK
3 rd Grade Scenario In February the RTI² Support Team discussed Malik, a 3 rd grade student who is not making the necessary gains in Math in order to meet grade-level expectations by the end of the year, according to progress monitoring data collected from Sept. – Jan. What changes would you suggest to the Team? TAKE TWO – TURN – AND TALK
5 th Grade Scenario Sarah, a 5 th grade student, is making progress in Tier II but not enough to close the achievement gap. She is not on track to meet grade level expectations in oral reading fluency. When the RTI² Support Team meets in February, what would you suggest? TAKE TWO – TURN – AND TALK
6 th Grade Scenario Jackson, a 6 th grade student, is making adequate progress in Tier II according to the progress monitoring data collected for first half of the year. He is on track to meet his end of the year goal. At the mid-year RTI² Support Team Meeting, what suggestions would you have for the team? TAKE TWO – TURN – AND TALK
Have a Great Day To Teachers That See THE Awesome: Kid President “What are YOU teaching the World?”