CVG Land Re-Use Program Ms. Debbie Conrad Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport Noise Abatement Programs Coordinator Kenton County Airport Board P.O. Box Cincinnati, OH Ph: (859) Fax: (859)
Completed Product
Background Original Land Re-Use Plan submitted in 1999 CVG was one of eleven airports included in the OIG Audit (Sept 2005) Request from FAA ADO (June 2006) to submit: Parcel Map detailing AIP funded land with noise contour overlay Additional request from FAA ADO (August 2006) to also submit: Detailed Parcel Cost Reports Completed Land Re-Use Program Report was submitted to the FAA ADO in January 2007.
Land Re-Use Report Written Report provides Purpose and Background of Noise Programs and Re-Use Plan explanations. Land Re-Use Property Map includes; All properties purchased by the Board as part of noise mitigation or airport development program Parcels with avigation easements (exception sound insulation parcels in subdivisions) Parcels purchased by the Board and then later re-sold for compatible use 2011 Noise Compatibility Plan Contour 2025 Future Airport Layout Plan
Land Re-Use Plan Detailed Spreadsheets include 379 parcels (approx. 710 acres) of property acquired for noise mitigation using AIP dollars Parcels were color coded for each proposed re-use plan Purple – parcels have been re-designated as future airport development land (151 parcels totaling acres) Green – parcels have been designated for continued use as noise compatibility (225 parcels totaling acres) Blue – parcels have been re-sold or partially re-sold to a third party for a compatible use (3 parcels totaling acres) CVG has correctly accounted for revenues from the sales of noise land.
Report Challenges Gathering the data from multiple sources is a very time consuming process. Used CVG’s Exhibit A Map (Auto CAD) Determine which parcels were purchased using AIP monies Added color coding to AIP parcels Added noise contour overlay (Part 150 Update) Added future potential development (Master Plan Update) Combine parcel data from multiple program databases Incorporate detailed list of all costs incurred for each parcel Eligible costs versus total costs Grant numbers (multiple grants per parcel)
Unanswered Questions Which Noise Exposure Map should be used (existing NEM or future NCP) for noise compatibility? Do we use 65 DNL or 75 DNL for retaining land needed for noise compatibility? FAA Policy & Guidance specifically defines the areas of “Significant Noise Exposure” to be those areas within the 65 DNL. Can CVG retain land for Potential Future Aviation Development?
2006 Baseline NEM FAR Part 150 Update
2011 NEM / NCP FAR Part 150 Update
Concourse D North-South Runway 1996 Airport Layout Plan North-South Runway 1996 Airport Layout Plan East-West Runway Alternate Location East-West Runway Alternate Location 2025 Master Plan Study
Challenges of Land Disposal specific to CVG Most parcels are less than an acre in size Many parcels are not contiguous Current zoning is agricultural and/or residential CVG has no zoning authority Lack of infrastructure to support commercial and/or industrial (compatible uses) Volatile Real Estate market (currently a down market)
Zoned A-2 & RS
Other Issues The FAA cannot treat all airports the same. Airports have an investment of at least 20% of the costs of each parcel and therefore should have input in the re-use plan. Selling unimproved / raw land could go for much less than what has been invested into it. Should the FAA and CVG take that big of a loss on our investment? Other geographic and legal constraints Subdivision restrictions Potential law suits by neighboring property owners for the blighting of their property. What to do with land in rural areas with no future potential for industrial or commercial use? Need to streamline the process of creating future plan updates (GIS based system with linked database)
Completed Product