A CONTINUOUS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM By: Lawrence W. Lezotte and Kathleen M. McKee Vicki Powell EDAD 5326 Effective School Organization and Improvement Dr. Mary Bradley, Instructor Wayland Baptist University Summer Semester, 2010
HIGH LEVELS OF ACHIEVEMENT ACROSS ALL STUDENT POPULATION SUBSETS: Socioeconomic Status Gender Race or Ethnicity Single Parent Home
THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement TEAMS: Empowerment Consensus Building Problem Solving TEAMS: Empowerment Consensus Building Problem Solving TIME: Team Time Staff Development Study Groups TIME: Team Time Staff Development Study Groups TECHNOLOGY: Real Time Data Just-in-Time Information Research/Proven Practices TECHNOLOGY: Real Time Data Just-in-Time Information Research/Proven Practices TOOLS: Data Gathering Data Analysis Data Display TOOLS: Data Gathering Data Analysis Data Display Constantly Improving Student Achievement Constantly Improving Student Achievement
THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement Effective school model theory Systems theory Continuous improvement theory
THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement TEAMS: Empowerment Consensus Building Problem Solving TEAMS: Empowerment Consensus Building Problem Solving empowerment Consensus building Problem solving
Individual & Team Process Skills Team Responsibilities Team Practices
THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement THEORIES: Effective Schools Systems Thinking Continuous Improvement TEAMS: Empowerment Consensus Building Problem Solving TEAMS: Empowerment Consensus Building Problem Solving TIME: Team Time Staff Development Study Groups TIME: Team Time Staff Development Study Groups Team time Staff development Study groups
TECHNOLOGY: Real Time Data Just-in-Time Information Research/Proven Practices TECHNOLOGY: Real Time Data Just-in-Time Information Research/Proven Practices Real time data Just-in-time information Research/proven practices
TOOLS: Data Gathering Data Analysis Data Display TOOLS: Data Gathering Data Analysis Data Display Data gathering Data analysis Data display Written Surveys Phone Surveys Face-To-Face Interviews
The 7 Correlates of Effective Schools Instructional Leadership Clear and Focused Mission Safe and Orderly Environment Climate of High Expectations Frequent Monitoring of Student Progress Positive Home-School Relations Opportunity to Learn and Student Time on Task The Correlates of Effective Schools provide school improvement teams with a comprehensive framework for identifying, categorizing, and solving the problems that schools and school districts face. And because the Correlates are based upon the documented successes of effective schools, they offer hope and inspiration to those struggling to improve. Identify Stakeholders – Include members and Collaborate
The mission must be lived everyday.
Begin With The End In Mind.
Technologies can be used for instructional management & assessment. Lesson Plan Alignment Real-Time Feedback
A CONTINUOUS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM American The American educational system holds the torch of opportunity high for all to be given an education.