IFAD Strategy for Rural Poverty Reduction in Western and Central Africa 2002-2006 Africa I Division Programme Management Department.


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Presentation transcript:

IFAD Strategy for Rural Poverty Reduction in Western and Central Africa Africa I Division Programme Management Department

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy Introduction: The Strategy Formulation Process

l Political and social: l Democratization l Conflict l International and regional initiatives: MDGs, PRSP, HIPC, NEPAD l Economic l Decentralization l Globalization l Demographic l Urbanization l HIV/AIDS l Environmental l Natural resources degradation Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy Regional Overview: Rapid Change on Multiple Fronts

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy Rural Poverty: Total poor in the region = 125 million (out of a total population of 308 million), of which:

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy Rural Poverty: Regional Characteristics l Limited voice on policy and investment decisions l Geographic l Restricted access to assets l Gender dimensions l Conflict and HIV/AIDS

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy Lessons from Experience: Human and Social Capital l Community-level planning for capacity strengthening l Decentralization for more accountable and transparent rural service delivery l Building on traditional organizational structures, knowledge and practices

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy Lessons from Experience: Productive Assets l Developing input markets to boost agricultural productivity l Building on local technologies, practices, and social organization l Supporting potable water provision which is linked to improved health and nutrition

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy Lessons from Experience: Financial Assets l Giving greater attention to market linkages l Focusing on the institutional development of micro-finance activities l Increasing the access of the rural poor to micro- finance l Providing support to income diversification activities

IFAD Strategy in Western and Central Africa

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy IFAD Strategy in WCA: Strategic Objective #1 Strengthen the capacity of the rural poor, their organizations, and improve the pro-poor focus of rural development policies and institutions Focus Areas  Community-driven development  Participatory M&E tools and approaches  Rural service delivery within a decentralized environment  Knowledge sharing on grassroots strengthening investments and policies

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy IFAD Strategy in WCA: Strategic Objective #2 Raise agricultural and natural resource productivity and improve access to technology Focus Areas  Sustainable agricultural development and community-based natural resource management  Agricultural research TAGs  Input supply systems strengthened l Sustainable access to water resources

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy IFAD Strategy in WCA: Strategic Objective #3 Increase rural incomes through improved access to financial capital and markets Focus Areas  Pro-poor rural financial services delivery  Food marketing systems l Income diversification

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy IFAD Strategy in WCA: Strategic Objective #4 Reduce vulnerability from major threats to rural livelihoods Focus Areas  Post-conflict assistance l HIV/AIDS prevention and coping

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy IFAD Strategy in WCA: Cross-Cutting Approaches  Investing in women  Enhancing participation  Building on indigenous knowledge

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy IFAD Mission Statement & Intervention Modalities for Enabling the Rural Poor to Overcome their Poverty Intervention Modalities  Projects and Programmes  Policy Dialogue  Knowledge Management  Enhancing Catalytic Impact

Introduction Regional Overview Rural Poverty Lessons from Experience IFAD Strategy IFAD Mission Statement for W&CA In order to improve the incomes and living conditions of the rural poor in Western and Central Africa, IFAD will respond to a critical mass of priority needs of poor women and men. This will involve capacity building to empower the rural poor and strengthen local-level institutions. It will also involve the mobilization of energies, resources, and local and external knowledge and capacity through partnerships with institutions sharing IFAD’s objectives and having complementary approaches and expertise. Accordingly, this will be achieved through the design and implementation of projects and programmes that are: impact and learning oriented, flexible and participatory, equitable and gender sensitive; sustainable (cost-effective both environmentally and institutionally); and capable of providing input for policy analysis and dialogue.