Exploring Planet Earth Blind Thrust Fault Earthquake Rupture Animation (Northridge, 1994) Brad Aagaard, USGS The fault rupture will be visible in the animation. Displacements (magnified 3000 times) will be visible by the movement of the mesh from the model. The amplitude of motions and seismic waves is color coded according to ground velocity.
Exploring Planet Earth
Animation from B. Aagaard (place in folder with PPT – may have to re-insert.gif file):
Seismic/Eruption view of January 17, 1994 M6.7 Northridge earthquake Note color coded depths of main shock and aftershocks that indicate a south dipping fault
Seismic/Eruption cross section view of January 17, 1994 M6.7 Northridge earthquake Note color coded depths of main shock and aftershocks that indicate a south dipping fault Depth (km) Distance (km) South North Main Shock Aftershocks with depth fixed at 5 km; not able to determine depth accurately
Exploring Planet Earth Main shock and aftershocks of the 1989 M6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake, map and cross section view; note approximately rectangular area of the fault plane that slipped and the bi-lateral rupture from deepest part of fault plane