Redesigned schedules signaled riders to the new transit network and differentiated from old information. Schedules were color coded to easily identify local (left), flex (center) and express (right) routes.
Eleven informational sessions with presentations, handouts and Q&A with staff were held throughout the metro area. DART communicated about these information sessions through press releases, website, rider s, social media, bus shelter signs (left) and bus interior signs (above).
DART recognized that it was not enough to simply issue new bus schedules and system route map. There were so many changes – route patterns, numbers, frequencies, transfer locations, station rules, and more – that there needed to be a single source, the MyDART Book, that provided a comprehensive overview of all the changes.
Signage was placed at the old open-street transit mall to alert riders to the new DART Central Station.
DART Ambassadors were positioned at the old transit mall and new station to assist riders during the first days of the new network.