Human Service Transportation Plan UPDATE Illinois Department of Transportations Division of Public and Intermodal Transportation: Downstate (Rural) Area Programs April 2007
The HSTP is… A unified, comprehensive strategy for public transportation delivery of services that: Identifies the transportation needs of persons with disabilities, older adults, and persons with limited incomes Lays out strategies for meeting these needs Prioritizes the services Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Federal Register, September 6, 2006 Docket # FTA
SAFETEA-LU MANDATE Projects to be selected in fiscal year 2007 under: 5310 Elderly and Individuals with Disabilities 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute 5317 New Freedom Must be, in regards to selection and planning, projects that: 1. Are derived from a locally-developed, coordinated public transit human services transportation plan 2. Are developed through a process that includes representatives from the public, private and nonprofit transportation and human service providers and participation by the public
Basic Issues Facing DPIT Issue #1: IDOT must develop a statewide planning process that meets FTA requirements for 5310, 5316 (JARC), 5317 (New Freedoms) formula programs administered by IDOT. Issue #2: Development of a rural planning infrastructure that addresses public transportation needs to accomplish the requirements set forth in Issue #1
Stakeholders Transit Service Providers (Public & Private) Human Service Agencies Local Governments Chambers of Commerce Local Workforce Investment Area Boards Illinois Areas on Aging Community Colleges Rural Health Departments Representatives from state agencies (IDOA, IDHS, IDHFS, IPTA, ICCT, RTAC) Metropolitan and Regional Planning Agencies (MPOs & RPCs) General Public Both traditional and non-traditional stakeholders could include representatives from the following:
Role of the State Competitively select 5310, 5316 and 5317 projects and certify that they are derived from a coordinated plan Rural and small urbanized areas (50, ,000) projects are generated locally, but are selected by the state
DPIT Implementation Strategy Phase One (Completed as of January 2007) Hold public outreach meetings Establish a state oversight committee Define regions for planning Phase Two (Engages RTAC & ILARC) Identify and train regional planning coordinators Establish Regional Transportation Committees Phase Three Provide regions with a planning template Oversee development of local plans and annual projects
Regional Planning Coordinator Solicit input from local stakeholders to develop the plan Organize the planning document Perform needs assessment of the region Keep an updated inventory of services Identify gaps in service Facilitate and develop annual program of projects in concert with the local/regional review committee Collect local projects and submit them to the state
Proposed by DPIT September 2006 RTC
Illinois Regional Planning Council Office Sites North Central Illinois Council of Governments, Princeton Regions 1 and 3: full-time Bi-state Regional Commission, Rock Island Region 2: Part-time Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Peoria (also MPO) Region 5: Part-time Champaign County Regional Planning Commission, Champaign (also MPO) Region 6 and 8: full-time Office share: Western Illinois Regional Council, Macomb & Springfield- Sangamon County RPC, Springfield Region 4 and 7: full-time (by WIRC) South Central Illinois Regional Planning and Development, Salem Region 9,10 and 11: 2 full-time
HSTP Planning Regions The following 3 slides show an abbreviated version of how the regions were defined. The full presentation was 45 minutes long and presented at public outreach meetings in the fall of If you have further questions about how the regions were defined, please call (312)
Initial Map Criteria (DPIT) Avoid fragmenting existing multi- county transit systems (IDOT: Rural Service Provider database ) Avoid fragmenting potential multi- county transit systems (transportation study initiated, RTAC request, UTC study, word of mouth) Define HSTP regions within the context of a human service framework of regions where transportation services are being provided Define HSTP regions with an awareness of total population and population makeup per county, and counties with currently no public transportation system (Non-funded 5311 areas) Solicit public and professional staff opinion as needed, and as time permits
HSTP Public Outreach Sept. – Oct IPTA Conference,100 Springfield ILARC Meeting,15 Springfield Its Time for Transit!28 Naperville HSTP Public Meeting,27 Rockford HSTP Public Meeting,13 Centralia HSTP Outreach Meeting,14 Champaign MPO Fall Planning, 50 Fairview Heights HSTP Public Meeting,43 Springfield Total290
Initial Map Final Map
What needs to be in the plan for each region? Inventory of transportation services Identification of service gaps --spatial, temporal, trip purpose Strategies or activities initiated to address the identified gaps Stated priorities for implementation, and feasibility for implementing these strategies
For more information contact: Erica Interrante, Program Manager (312) See the Spring Meeting Schedule to attend an upcoming meeting. RTAC