Brittany Braxton
1 st Fact about the Truth That global temperatures are rising. Migrating animals head north earlier because spring temperatures are arriving weeks earlier in the year. Plants blossom earlier too. And both plant and animal species are expanding their habitats northward because of the generally warmer temperatures
2 nd Fact about the Truth Canada and Siberia the temps are rising. At a higher altitude the temp goes up a little more and for centuries the solid ground is now sinking. The permafrost beneath them are unthawing
3rd Fact about the Truth Glaciers are starting to melt. They are observable, measurable facts.
4th Fact about the Truth In California the park, researchers there where taking surveys on small animals. compared
5 th Fact about the Truth Humans are moving to a warmer climate
6th Fact about the Truth The climate-change doubters are especially hostile to the idea that human actions are causing global warming.
7th Fact about the Truth Our Earth goes through climate shifts over the course of time, but the greenhouse gases we humans are pouring into the atmosphere are accelerating a natural warming trend. If we can move away from fossil fuels without doing fatal harm to our economy and our way of life, it will alleviate the warming.
8 th Fact about the Truth studies of past climate changes show that the planet can switch from ice age to tropical in a few decades. but the world's temperature is rising.
9 th Fact about the Truth we should do all we could to move from fossil fuels to cleaner, less-damaging energy sources.
10th Fact about the Truth In his famous "Liberty or Death" speech, Patrick Henry said, "... it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope.... Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it."