My abc book Chris Lewis Ms.Fowler Class
A Arsenal – a storage place for weapons and ammunition Abolitionist – a person who strongly favory doing away with slavery
B Boomtown – a community experiencing a sudden growth in business or populatin Bullrun- It was the first major land battle of the American Civil WarAmerican Civil War
C Caravel – small fast with a broad bow Cash crop – farm crop raised to be sold for money
D Debtor- person or country that own money Dissent- disagreement with or opposition to an opinion
F Freedman – a person freed from slavery Federalists – supporter of the constitution Famine-An extreme shortage of food
G Guerrilla warfare – a hit and run technique used in fighting war Global warming – a steady increase in average world temperatures
I Ironclad- a armored naval vessel Import- a good bought from foreign markets
H Human rights – right regarded as belong to all person such as freedom Thomas hooker
J Judicial branch- the branch of government including the federal court system that interns Joint occupation – the possession and settling of an area by two or more countries
K Henry Knox – a secretary of war Kansas Nebraska act
L Literacy – the ability to read or write Lynching – putting to death a person by the illegal action of a mob
M Maize – an early form of grow by native American Militia – a group of civilian trend to fight in emagencies
N Neutrality- a position of not taking sides Natives- a person who favors those born in his or her country and is opposed to immigrants
O Ordinance- a law or regulation Offensive –position of attacking or the attack itself
P privateer – armed private ship Prejudice – an unfair opinion not based on facts
Q Quaker- William Penn