SCOS97 Emissions Inventory Mena Shah SCOS97-NARSTO DATA ANALYSIS CONFERENCE February 14, 2001 Diamond Bar
Introduction = Relationship between emissions, interbasin transport, and ozone standard exceedances = Facilitate planning for further emission reductions needed to attain the NAAQS = Accurate day-specific emission inventories are crucial for the study
Emissions Inventory Development Process l SCOS97-EIWG l Quality Control and Quality Assurance Plan l Day-Specific Data Collection l Data Management l Peer Review
Roles & Responsibilities
Stationary Sources = Local districts collected hourly activity data from facilities such as power plants, petroleum refineries, utility companies, oil companies, etc = Continuous emission monitoring (CEMS) data were collected from some major facilities = For some facilities information on daily emission profiles was obtained = Information on temporary breakdowns, shutdowns, and variances was collected
Area Sources o Districts are responsible for over one-half of the 260 area source categories in the statewide annual emission inventory o No day-specific information was collected for area-wide sources
Mobile Sources Use EMFAC and DTIM models for estimating emissions Transportation network from CALTRANS, COGs UCD developed day-of-week adjustments Emission estimates from some non-road sources came from the OFFROAD model
Aircraft Collected most comprehensive real-time aircraft activity data from private contractor Activity data at different altitude and speed were collected Developed aircraft type-engine model linkages Emission factors from EDMS PM emission factors from CDM
Ships l Actual ship activity data from MAREX, Ports, U.S. Navy l Actual speed data from MAREX l Ship-specific engine characteristics data from JJMA l Emission factors from ARCADIS, Lloyds Registry
Biogenic l (GIS) Land use and land cover maps from the GAP, Kern County, SCAG and SANDAG l Leafmass Distribution –LAI from Nikolov l Emission rates compilation from peer review literature
Wildfires l Information on wildfires was obtained from CDF, USFS, BLM, BIA, local news l Extensive daily activity data collected for the entire study period l Emission factors were obtained from USFS
Emissions Summary (*tpd for August 5, 1997)
ROG Emissions (w/o Fires)
NOx Emissions (w/o Fires)
CO Emissions (w/o Fires)
PM Emissions (w/o Fires)
ROG Emissions hrs
ROG Emissions hrs
ROG Emissions hrs
NOx Emissions hrs
NOx Emissions hrs
NOx Emissions hrs
Summary Key to the Project = TEAMWORK Successful multi-agency approach leads to the development of a quality inventory Aircraft emissions - First attempt to estimate emissions above the average mixing height Ship emissions have considerable day-to-day variation Wildfire emissions vary greatly day-to-day during SCOS97 episodes
Acknowledgements k Paul Allen k Cheryl Taylor k Dale Shimp k Zorik Pirveysian k Reyes Romero k Alan De Salvio k Alan Ballard k Joe Petrini k Carl Selnick k Iovanka Todt k Genie McGaugh k John DaMassa
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