Personal Information How Not to Share Information And What Information Can be Shared By: Joshua Polson
Information Companies Can Share 1)Companies can share information to authorized third parties: A third party can be any outside individual, a business or an association that provides a service to, or acts of behalf of, an institution.A third party can be any outside individual, a business or an association that provides a service to, or acts of behalf of, an institution. 2) Companies can also release the age, sex, religion, material status, other opinions about an individual, and the name of a person.
Shared Information Rights 1.Both the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act require organizations to protect personal information in their safekeeping or jurisdiction. 2.A business that gives out personal information has the right to enter into a written agreement with the third party supplying the service. 3.Personal information considerations are included in businesses policies and procedures.
Abused Information Comes in forms of selling or giving another persons information to a unauthorized third party. An individual purposely not using the correct information on an application. Abused information may lead to Identity Theft, that will result in serious repercussions.
Ways to Protect Your Information 1.Use Passwords on personal computers to limit unwanted access. 2.Use filters on computers to keep hackers out of personal information. 3.Dispose of information correctly. 4.Verify and know who your information is being sent to. 5.Report any breaches to your personal information.
How should Businesses Protect Your Information 1.S tore information on company protected computers. 2.S ecure all paper information in a secure place. 3.G rant limited access to authorized personal only. 4.A udit computer information regularly. 5.D on’t give out information to anyone who's identity can’t be confirmed.
What is Profiling? Profiling is defined as: -n : recording a person's behavior and analyzing psychological characteristics in order to predict or assess their ability in a certain sphere or to identify a particular group of people. Many interesting things can be discovered about a person in profiling like: social security numbers, material status, date of birth, age, occupation, and many other living habits.
The End Remember protect your personal information!!!!! personal information!!!!!