Privacy & Security Online Ivy, Kris & Neil Privacy Threat - Ivy Is Big Brother Watching You? - Kris Identity Theft - Kris Medical Privacy - Neil Children’s Privacy - Neil
Privacy Threat - Ivy 1. Cookies----- is a piece of information that an Internet sent to user’s browser when he access the information on that web site. Each time when user use his computer to access web site, the information will be sent bank to server by browser. ( E.g, the user buying habit, what the user interest in) 2. HTTP (Hyper Text transfer protocol) is the set of rules that websites and browsers follow in order to communicate. What page the user want to look at The last web page you look at address ( if included in request)
Privacy Threat – Ivy 3. Browsers Security bugs in browsers 4. Public sector (information sometime is publicly available) Government data collection (E.g, Telephone Directory) School register Hospital --- medical information 5. Downloading ( Spyware ) Freeware & shareware Music & films 6. Search engines Search people’s name on Internet
Privacy Threat – Ivy 7. address set might reveal information ( E.g, A is name or handle, B usually is your Internet Service Provider(ISP) or the organization you work for, C and D are domain that may refer to your area of work or activity and cryptography Intercept 9. Spam Purchase online, publish address on website or subscribed to a news service---- may get spam Spam will compromise and slow down the whole network Anti-spam movement---- Spam filters to filter out and delete spam Now illegal in Australia---- It is illegal to send, or cause to be sent, 'unsolicited commercial electronic messages'
Privacy Threat - Ivy 10. Electronic commerce Credit card use online---- hackers may steal lists of Credit Card numbers from ISPs and commercial web sites. Personal information---- might be sold to third party or direct marketers Easy to get Spam Buying habit and interest information would be collected 11. Internet relay chat---- similar to telephone party lines Chatting with unknown people ---- involuntary reveal personal information to strangers or criminals To meet people from chat rooms ---- personal safety may be at risk
Medical Privacy - Neil Patient databases – 25% use electronic records Too many eyes – 150 per hospital stay – Sale of personal information – Privacy compromised if you know hospital staff Doctors unwilling to take up eRecords – Security and Privacy concern – Reliability – Lack of protocol
Medical Privacy - Neil Central patient database proposal – NHS wide database for customer records Internet Issues – Network Security – Downtime Attacks can disable system – needs to be 24 hours Leads to necessity for backup – Security issues with respect to backup Potential Attacks – Data Mine on personal records – Change patient details – Lie about identity – retrieve personal data
Children’s Online Privacy - Neil Children are naïve, children are innocent, Internet provides potential abusers a grooming ground. Legislation over use of child’s personal information: COPPA in the US – Amazon accused – fined $1 million CEOP over here
Children’s Online Privacy - Neil Online Identity Adult Check for adults, Why no Age Check for children? – All Internet users would need an ID – Big Brother? Responsibility? Parents! – Watch them online – Read posts? Privacy issue here too! Need to educate children about risks Need to force safe behaviour on the child
Summary Privacy Threat Run time threats Threats on own computer Medical Security improvements Trust Children Attacks Innocence Factor Legislation