UCAT - The Utah Center for Assistive Technology is a state agency helping people with disabilities identify and obtain assistive technology West 500 South Salt Lake City, UT
Eligibility A person with a disability Family members of a person with a disability Anyone who is interested in assistive technology (AT) because of their desire to support someone with a disability Call for an appointment or
Augmentative Communication Services Scott Baggaley Craig Boogaard
Cost-free Consultation Sessions Available to Individuals of any Age Computer Access Special Software Augmentative Communication
Equipment Loans UCAT has a lending library with many AAC devices. Devices can be checked out for a 30 day trial period. Device loans are intended to help families and therapists decide on the best solution. Contact Lynn, Scott or Craig to inquire about device loans –
AT Equipment Lending Library Public Library - available to any responsible adult UAAACT Lending Library- for UAAACT members only
UAAACT Utah Augmentative Alternative Assistive Communication and Technology
25 UAAACT Teams Regional Teams are comprised of Speech- Language Pathologist, Special Education Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Technology Specialists Teams evaluate students with disabilities to determine if assistive technology is necessary for their education program UAAACT Teams determine if AT can improve the communication skills of students with serious limitations in their verbal or written communication skills
UAAACT Information Referral Form Team Leaders and Phone #s Forms for data collection Guidelines for UAAACT Members Links to other AAC related web sites
UCET Conference UCET Conference Location: Jordan High School Date: March 2-3, 2012 UCET Conference UCET Conference Location: Jordan High School Date: March 2-3, Sessions 23 Sessions on technology to support special education
Scott will Review Selected Products